
Cloanto Amiga Forever 2016.0.27.0 Plus Edition

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Cloanto Amiga Forever 2016.0.19.0 Plus EditionCloanto Amiga Forever 2016.0.19.0 Plus Edition

1986 年成立的意大利软件研发商 Cloanto Italia srl 发布了其最新款操作系统 Amiga Forever 2014 ,声称该系统无需更改就能直接用于 OLPC 组织的 XO 笔记本。Amiga Forever 整合了多个 Amiga 模拟环境,包括 Windows、Mac OS、Linux 等平台,并自带多种丰富的应用程序,如 Kickstart、Workbench 等等,更有大量的游戏和视频。Amiga Forever CD 是屡获奖项的 Amiga 的保存版,模拟器,和支持包,自 1986 年起由 Cloanto 的 Amiga 开发人员制作。

Cloanto Amiga Forever 2016.x Plus Edition | 718 MB

Easier and more powerful than ever, Amiga Forever 2016 closes the circle between gaming, productivity and preservation of digital culture while adding new features and providing easier access to a universe of free and legal downloads.

New features in Amiga Forever 2016:
– All Windows versions now come with a Windows Installer download (no need to burn or mount an ISO image to access the installer, or to wait for postal delivery).
– New Build Image feature (Tools menu of Plus Edition), to create personalized ISO images (burn to CD or DVD) and portable environments (e.g. to run from USB storage). This is similar to the “old” Amiga Forever media, except that the content can now be updated and customized.
– Support for third-party “RP-Image” templates, to generate bootable content, etc. Documentation is available.
– New Restore System Files feature (Tools menu) to reset shared components (Amiga ROM and OS files, system RP9s, etc.)
– New RP9 thumbnail provider for Windows is pure eye candy. This accompanies new and faster Open, Edit and Convert to RP9 commands accessible directly from File Explorer, to offer a better content experience outside the player.
– Set personal rating for any title (not just cataloged ones)
– New visual Screen Clip Editor, for easy adjustment of Amiga screen mode settings.
– WinFellow is now available as an additional RetroPlatform-enabled emulation plugin. You can click any compatible title and select “Play with/WinFellow”, or select plugin priority and additional options in the Amiga Forever Emulation settings.
– Brand new Personal Paint 7.2 preinstalled in Workbench 3.X environment
– Updated AROS and other content.
– Enhanced RP9 Editor, with new media mount options and dozens of new features.
– Integration with social networks for “Now Playing” updates, manual posts and screenshot uploads
– and more…

Home Pagehttp://www.amigaforever.com

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