
LEGO City Undercover-CODEX

Games/游戏 dsgsd 299浏览 0评论

在《乐高都市:卧底风云》中,扮演卧底警察 Chase McCain,追捕臭名昭著的逃犯 Rex Fury,终结他波及全城的犯罪浪潮。在双人合作模式中,可以和朋友探索《乐高®都市》庞大而开放的大都市,可以调查超过 20 个独特地区,剿灭汽车盗贼团伙,发现借鉴搞笑电影的内容,驾驶各种车辆,还能收集数百件收藏品。《乐高都市:卧底风云》将风趣的原创故事结合乐高标志性的幽默手法,为各年龄段的玩家创造充满乐趣的体验。

Join the Chase! In LEGO® CITY Undercover, play as Chase McCain, a police officer who’s been tasked with going undercover to hunt down the notorious – and recently escaped – criminal Rex Fury and putting an end to his city-wide crime wave.

With two player co-op, friends can explore the sprawling open-world metropolis that is LEGO® City, with more than 20 unique districts to investigate, car thieves to bust, hilarious movie references to discover, vehicles to drive, and hundreds of collectibles. LEGO CITY Undercover brings together witty, original storytelling with signature LEGO humor to create a fun-filled experience for players of all ages to enjoy.

Genre: Action
Developer: Traveller’s Tales
Publisher: TT Games

Release name: LEGO.City.Undercover-CODEX
Size 17.1GB
Links: SteamNFO

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