
AVEVA Marine 12.1 SP4.29

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AVEVA Marine 12.1 SP4.29
AVEVA Marine是英国AVEVA公司的软件系列产品。用于设计、建造船舶和海工项目的集成软件。采用以对象为中心的技术,提供一系列解决方案、加载项以及单机版应用程序所构成的产品组合,贯穿造船业务过程中的每个环节。
针对海工项目的特点,AVEVA公司在2007年将Tribon的船体和海工行业广泛采用的PDMS进行系统的整合,推出了新一代的造船及海工设计系统AVEVA Marine。
AVEVA Marine 涵盖造船专业技术,结合企业工程、设计、通信以及可视化技术,通过使用单一项目模型,船体、船舾、工程以及设计实现跨专业的功能集成,为船舶企业提供一体化解决方案。
AVEVA Marine中的AVEVA Outfitting、AVEVA PDMS 和 AVEVA E3D可互通使用,确保与企业专家协同工作;可通过 AVEVA Global 支持异地项目,实现“虚拟船厂”环境目标。

AVEVA Marine 12.1 SP4.29 | 2.5 Gb

Schlumberger, the world’s leading supplier of technology, integrated project management and information solutions to customers working in the oil and gas industry worldwide, has presented AVEVA Marine 12.1 SP4.29, is an integrated suite of software for the design and construction of every type of ship and offshore project. Using powerful object-centric technology, it is the most productive engineering software solution available for the marine industries.

The enhanced reporting options offer an efficient tool, with an enriched User Interface, enabling sharing across many of the AVEVA Marine modules and other AVEVA products. The new and improved capability means that users are able to create report templates via a wizard and can insert images and charts, making it easier to use with a more professional presentation. Users benefit through the standard model library allowing the ability to reuse designs from existing built-in complex components, reducing the man-hours spent on the design.

Extended language support features and extended data exchange capabilities meet the requirements of AVEVA’s global customer base, offering greater flexibility in multi-location projects involving different simultaneous languages. There is also greater flexibility when working within an Integrated Engineering & Design environment due to the automatic creation of symbolic-type marine drawings from the model database, as well as general 2D drafting functions.

AVEVA Marine Drafting provides improved productivity through the automatic creation of Marine drawings.

Further new products, available in this release, include:

– AVEVA Design Reuse – enables the intelligent and adaptive copying of ship’s data between projects.
– AVEVA Surface Manager – allows the transfer of surfaces to and from external systems
– AVEVA Space Management – a tool to create and manage the automatic subdivision of the ship into spaces.

Additional product releases to follow include:

– AVEVA Engineering – an application enabling multi-discipline engineering teams to concurrently create and maintain engineering objects and their attributes as a project is developed.
– AVEVA Pipe Supports – Marine – enables easy and efficient design of support for pipes.

AVEVA’s Integrated Engineering & Design approach offers users’ entry points to a wealth of other products. AVEVA Engineer products create schematics, diagrams, datasheets, naval architecture, engineering lists and indexes. The AVEVA Design products create 3D models for detailed design and produce all associated deliverables. AVEVA’s Manage products enable global work share, clash management and design review.
AVEVA Marine 12.1 SP4.29


AVEVA is trusted around the world to deliver engineering design and information management solutions with strategic value to leading companies in the plant and marine industries

About Schlumberger

Schlumberger is the world’s leading supplier of technology, integrated project management and information solutions to customers working in the oil and gas industry worldwide. Employing approximately 115,000 people representing over 140 nationalities and working in approximately 85 countries, Schlumberger provides the industry’s widest range of products and services from exploration through production.

Product: AVEVA Marine
Version: 12.1 SP4.29
Supported Architectures: 32bit / 64bit
Website Home Page : http://www.software.slb.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP / 7even SP1
Size: 2.5 Gb

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