
AKVIS Coloriage 11.0.1274.16191 MacOS

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AKVIS Coloriage 11.0.1274.16191 macOS

AKVIS Coloriage 是一款AKVIS滤镜,它可以在黑白图像中随心添加自己喜欢的颜色,如同您手中拥有一支魔术彩笔一样。它对图片的著色功能进行升级,能自动侦测到物体的边缘,并进行色彩填充。

AKVIS 滤镜系列产品不仅可作为独立运行的程序,还可以作为插件与Adobe Photoshop、PhotoshopElements、 Paint Shop Pro等以及其他支持 Photoshop 插件的编辑器相兼容。

AKVIS Coloriage 11.0.1274.16191 Multilingual macOS | 63/62.9 MB

Breathe life into your black and white photos with AKVIS Coloriage! AKVIS presents the cutting edge technology of automatic photo colorizing that will change your ideas about image colorization forever!

AKVIS Coloriage manipulates the colors of an image: from colorizing old black and white photos from your family album to replacing colors in your color photos. Make a present for your grandmother by adding color to her school photo, replace the colors of your car to see how it would look in scarlet, see how you will look if you dye your hair red.

AKVIS Coloriage creates natural-looking colorization in a quick and entertaining manner. It works equally well for coloring of portraits, landscapes, fashion, and still life. The skin, sky, verdure, and tree color patterns help users to select realistic colors for their picture. Apply your creativity and you will find a wide variety of other usages for the software. You can create colorful backgrounds out of ordinary dull pictures, you can use Coloriage to get rid of the red eye effect, to make selective color correction, selective desaturation and colorizing, etc.

AKVIS Coloriage is as easy to use as a coloring book. No layers manipulation, no complicated techniques, no more hours of frustration attempting to get just the look you want – everything is done with a few brush strokes. Indicate the desired colors by the stroke of the brush; the program does the rest of the work: recognizes the object’s border and tailors the new color to the grayscale tones of the initial picture.

AKVIS Coloriage is helpful if you need to:
– add color to black and white photos;
– add color to sketch drawings (book illustrations, manga and comics art);
– replace colors on a color photo;
– try different color schemes for interior and exterior design;
– perform selective desaturation or colorization of areas on a photo.

What’s New in Version 11.0:
AKVIS Coloriage allows colorizing black-and-white photos and replacing colors in color photos. Version 11 provides the new Favorites category in the Color Library, the History Brush tool, support for RAW and PSD files in the standalone version, some interface improvements, and other changes. Add color to your memories!

In Version 11:

Color Library Improvements
The new Favorites group has been added to the Color Library. Now you can save frequently used colors for fast access. Additionally, the color samples in all groups have been sorted by brightness. The new arrangement makes it easier to visualize and compare colors.

History Brush
The History Brush tool allows you to revert parts of your image back to the original picture. This is especially useful when colorizing separate objects.

Also in the new version:
– added the Chinese interface language;
– added support for RAW and PSD files in the standalone version;
– changed the appearance of enabled tool icons;
– added the new Gray interface theme;
– full compatibility with Photoshop CC 2018;
– increased the maximum tool size;
– the maximum available scale of the interface now depends on the screen resolution;
– unavailable tools in the toolbar are now hidden instead of being disabled;
– various bugs have been fixed.

System Requirements:
– Mac OS X 10.7-10.11, macOS 10.12-10.13
– Intel, 1 Gb RAM, 100 Mb HDD
– The plug-in version is compatible with AliveColors, Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Corel Paint Shop Pro, etc.

Interface languages:
– English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), Russian.

Home Pagehttp://akvis.com/

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Coloriage 11 Plg.zip: https://u7940988.ctfile.com/fs/7940988-243207391
Coloriage 11 Std.zip: https://u7940988.ctfile.com/fs/7940988-243209266

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