Insight Numerics is pleased to announce the availability of in: Flux 1.0. Insight Numerics’ new fully three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software product. in: Flux is specifically designed for users to carry out ventilation and dispersion simulations without prior CFD knowledge or expertise.
About Insight Numerics in: Flux. in:Flux is CFD software that analyses ventilation and gas dispersion within complex geometries. It is aimed at all engineers, including those who have never previously performed a CFD themselves. The speed and simplicity of in:Flux is unrivaled. Organizations can now carry out CFD modeling at a fraction of the time and cost associated with other CFD products.
– The only CFD software specifically designed for dispersion and ventilation analyses, eliminating the need of expertise to ‘tweak’ general purpose codes.
– Interface directly with many CAD formats (DGN, DWG, DXF, IGES, STEP, OBJ, STL), no approximations are made to the CAD geometry.
– All meshing, boundary conditions, and numerical setup is automated.
– Post-processing visuals can be added after calculations have finished rather than hope planes defined prior to the simulation contain relevant information.
– Once the process is understood, multiple simulations can be set up very quickly as simulations are automatically scheduled without the need of scripting.
About Insight Numerics. Insight Numerics creates software to aide in positioning fire safety equipment. Detect3D, our flagship product, is a 3D design tool used to minimize the risk of undetected fires or gas leaks in high risk areas (such as oil rigs). It enables engineers to understand the strengths and weaknesses of fire and gas detector layouts to provide the safest and most cost-effective solution. We are working with resellers, insurers, and the oil majors to become the standard software for detector positioning.
Product: Insight Numerics in: Flux
Version: 1.0 build 04092018
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://insightnumerics.com/
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP SP3 or newer
Size: 133.6 mb
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