
SitniSati FumeFX v3.5.2 For Maya 2014 x64

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FumeFX是世界上第一款面向3ds Max的商用气态流体动力学仿真插件,作为一款强大的流体动力学引擎,它专为模拟、渲染真实的火、烟、爆炸和其他的气态现象而设计。它的多功能性、健壮性和直观的工作流程,使得它即使是面对最苛刻的计算机图形图像任务也能提供完美的解决方案。它具有无与伦比的能力,能够满足视觉特效艺术家、游戏开发者和可视化专业人员对真实性的超高追求,并支持获得细微和复杂的流体特效。


 Install FumeFX35_Maya2014x64.exe (Retail)

Run AfterFLICS_tools.exe from C:\Program Files (x86)\AFLICS and select Service/Stop.
Exit AfterFLICS_tools.
Copy AfterFLICS.exe from the crk dir to C:\Program Files (x86)\AFLICS and overwrite the original.
Verify that your AfterFLICS.ini has the following info:

Run AfterFLICS_tools.exe once again and select Service/Start.
Exit AfterFLICS_tools.
Go to Create/Geometry/FumeFX and select it. An AfterFLICS Authorization window will appear.
Select localhost and then click Authorize.
At the Product Authorization window, select Manual Auth.
Enter the number of licenses desired and use any number for the Auth Code, and select Authorize.
To be sure everything is working fine, go to General Parameters/About FumeFX.
Select Reauthorize FumeFX SL (Simulation License) An AfterFLICS Authorization window will appear.
Select localhost and then click Authorize.
At the Product Authorization window, select Manual Auth.
Enter the number of licenses desired and use any number for the Auth Code, and select Authorize.
Select Reauthorize FumeFX-mr shader (MentalRay Shader) An AfterFLICS Authorization window will appear.
Select localhost and then click Authorize.
At the Product Authorization window, select Manual Auth.
Enter the number of licenses desired and use any number for the Auth Code, and select Authorize.

The server is protected by a custom (Only 1 person in the world has it) packer. If your AV complains…too fucking bad.
Enjoy FumeFX 3.5.2


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