
SimCity Deluxe Edition with Cites of Tomorrow Incl Update 10 Multi 2 Cracked-3DM

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模拟城市5:未来之城(SimCity: Cites of Tomorrow)》集成10号升级档+DLCs 



您是否会创造出一座採用环保科技的乌托邦社会,或是会让大型企业以满足您模拟市民无底洞般的消费需求之名剥削并污染环境? 除了向外扩张之外,城市也将可以透过巨型多区制擎天塔向天空延伸。 教育与研究将协助您发掘新科技,可降低您城市污染的程度、缩减对天然资源的依赖、管理提供日常服务的机器人,而且附带可吸收巨型机器人对您城市展开的攻击,但可能会消耗资源。污染程度愈严重,您模拟市民在生活、工作、游戏上的彼此距离就愈短。 全由您来决定他们是过著和谐共荣的生活还是扮演被剥削劳工的角色。

 Description: The defining city simulation is back! Create the city you desire and make the choices that shape your city and power the Sims within it. Every decision, big or small, has real consequences. Invest in heavy industry and your economy will soar – but at the expense of your Sims’ health as pollution spreads. Implement green technology and improve your Sims’ lives while risking higher taxes and unemployment. Team up with your friends to solve global challenges: launch a space shuttle, reduce carbon emissions, or build magnificent wonders.


  • Constructible Worlds – Creative and customizable world that offers unique gameplay benefits, all with a fun tactile interface.
  • Sims Matter – The Sims in your city speak to you directly and it’s up to you to respond to their needs. Will you listen and be the toast of the town? Or abuse your power for fame and fortune?
  • Specialize in What You Love – Mold your city as a casino resort, manufacturing hub, educational enclave, and more, and then watch as a unique look and feel spread throughout your city.
  • Multiplayer – Build a region with friends for the first time! Collaborate or compete in regional and global challenges and make decisions that impact the greater SimCity World.
  • GlassBox Engine – SimCity introduces GlassBox, the revolutionary simulation technology that gives you the power to impact individual Sims lives, manage city level simulation, and balance multiple city simulations at once

Developer: Maxis
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG
Release name: SimCity.Deluxe.Edition with.Cites.of.Tomorrow.Incl.Update.10.Multi.2.Cracked-3DM
Size: 3.43GB
Links: HomepageNFO 

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