
Anomaly Warzone Earth HD v1.18 Android-DeBTPDA

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异形地球战区Anomaly Warzone Earth HD是2011年度WWDC苹果设计大奖得奖作品。游戏凭借着与传统塔防不一样的主线视角,来让玩家体验到作为 “入侵”一方,在面对防守方时的那种四处被打的感觉。在画面表现形式上,将会是3D的类型。整体的表现力还不错,各种攻击行动和战斗时的光影效果,都颇具 战场的硝烟气息和战争的魄力。尤其是作为防守一方的外星敌人,其所拥有的武器都是相当超前的,什么激光之类的都是普通一级的,后期的敌人更是有着令人感觉 到压迫的强大火力。而玩家则是要依靠着相对落后的装备,去对抗并且消灭这些外星敌人。这样的设定着实令人感觉到压力,但是也令人有着另类的新鲜感和挑战欲 望。游戏的配乐很具有战场的感觉,恢宏而带着令人紧张的压迫感。而音效方面则颇为逼真,让人能感受到炮火的轰鸣和强大的激光武器的威力。并且在消灭敌人或 者被敌人击毁的时候,都会有通讯员的旁白,来增加游戏的临场感。

 Description: Winner of the prestigious Apple Design Award, critically acclaimed game Anomaly Warzone Earth comes to Amazon App Store and turns tower defense on its head. This time you take control of the attacking force, pitting your heavily armored squad against the destructive towers of an alien horde. Carefully lead your squad through the invaders’ defenses, shattering their towers and turrets with special weapons and power-ups in this groundbreaking new experience of tower offense.

What’s new in version 1.18

  • Fixed graphical glitches preventing players from seeing game texts
  • Various minor bug fixes

Release Name: Anomaly.Warzone.Earth.HD.v1.18.Android-DeBTPDA
Size: 151.20 MB
Links: Google PlayNFO 

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