
Broken Sword II The Smoking Mirror v2.0.09 Android-DeBTPDA

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断剑2:烟镜(Broken Sword II Smoking Mirror)是一款休闲解谜大作,该作有着精美的画面和细节上的精雕细琢,给人非常华丽的感觉。引人入胜的故事情节、交互式的游戏环境、全程语音给玩家的代入感强烈。游戏在操作上采用游标指引角色行动,解谜为主,考验玩家的观察力和想象力,全部是图形显示,不识英文也能轻松上手,推荐给喜爱动脑解谜的游戏玩家。

 Description: ‘Broken Sword II – the Smoking Mirror : Remastered’ sees the return of George Stobbart and Nico Collard in the sequel to the smash hit ‘Broken Sword: Director’s Cut’, widely praised as the best adventure available for Android.

‘Broken Sword II – The Smoking Mirror : Remastered’ is a stunning update to the million-selling original. Along with an exclusive new interactive digital comic, from ‘Watchmen’ co-creator Dave Gibbons, the game boasts fully animated facial expressions, enhanced graphics throughout, high quality music as well as a context-sensitive hint system, and diary. The game also features Dropbox integration which facilitates a unique cross-platform save-game feature, enabling players to enjoy the same adventure simultaneously on multiple devices and many other enhancements.

Release name: Broken.Sword.II.The.Smoking.Mirror.v2.0.09.Android-DeBTPDA
Size: 687MB
Links: Google PlayNFO

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