
MAGIX Samplitude Pro X

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MAGIX Samplitude Pro X

Samplitude Pro X是无与伦比的音频制作系统,完美的DAW – 安排和录制,编辑和混合,所有的方式,以专业的掌握和CD / DVD制作。一个完全可定制界面的工作和经验,根据您的需要的DAW。精密的音频引擎,支持64位,出色的母带质量插件5.1环绕混音和它能够进行无缝集成到您的工作室—Samplitude Pro X中最强大的音频工作站。

 MAGIX Samplitude Pro X | 445 MB

Samplitude Pro X is the perfect DAW for uncompromised audio productions – from arranging and recording, to editing and mixing, all the way to professional mastering and CD/DVD authoring. Work with a fully customizable interface and experience a DAW tailored to your needs. The precision audio engine with 64-bit support, outstanding mastering quality plugins, 5.1 Surround mixing and its ability to be seamless integrated into your studio make Samplitude Pro X the most powerful audio workstations.

Top features
– One-box Solution
– 100% sound neutral hybrid audio engine
– New docking concept
– Spectral editing on track level
– 5.1 Surround Mixing
– Advanced object editing
– essentialFX Suite, VariVerb Pro & Vintage Effects Suite
– Virtual instruments
– High-End Mastering Plug-ins
– Independence Sampler Workstation
– AAF/OMF support
– 64-Bit support

64-Bit support
For the first time Samplitude Pro X offers you the opportunity to take advantage of a 64-bit application and to use 64-bit plug-ins. Furthermore you can still use of your 32-bit plug-ins. These are operated by an internal bridge and can be combined with any 64-bit plug-ins.

New docking concept
The Docking System allows for interface adjustments, this means that the program can be optimized for the studio’s requirements. Central components of the software can be repositioned or maximized using drag and drop. Choose to either arrange or display the analyzer, file browser or transport console etc.

The docking concept was further developed and optimized for Samplitude Pro X. So now for example the object editor, visualizations and MIDI editor can be docked neatly. Of course, you can create your own toolbar too.

Spectral editing on track level
Remove unwanted sounds like coughing or clapping, without affecting the original signal audibly. The new spectral editing feature enables track-level spectral editing. In this way corrections can be made directly in the arrangement.

Using a spectrogram, unwanted noises are quickly identified according to their color representation and removed – ideal for short, clear noises.

AAF / OMF support
Data exchange between various DAWs and exporting to various interfaces can cost lots of time. Samplitude Pro X now offers integrated OMF/AAF support to simplify data exchange between programs and platforms.

Together with the EDL export for MAGIX Video Pro X and compatibility to other products from the Samplitude/Sequoia family, Samplitude Pro X can be seamlessly integrated into almost every form of digital audio editing, without slowing down the work flow.

5.1 Surround mixing
Samplitude Pro X offers several possibilities for mixing audio material 5.1 Surround. Any number of playback devices may be assigned to all of the Surround master’s channels, and the audio material may be divided between the existing Surround busses.

But not only tracks, also individual objects may be routed directly to the Surround master for editing via the Surround panorama module. Furthermore existing projects can also be mixed in the Surround format.

Tempo track
With help from the new tempo track you can change the playback speed of any part of a MIDI arrangement. This function gives the user the opportunity to make creative tempo changes and to adjust MIDI arrangements to existing audio material.

Additionally there are explicit modes for adjusting beat grid and MIDI arrangements to available audio material, or to tap in the beat grid. This function gives the user the opportunity to make creative tempo changes and to adjust MIDI arrangements to existing audio material.

essentialFX Suite
The new essentialFX Suite is a collection of 11 first-class effect plug-ins and is suited for all every day studio applications. In addition to high-quality algorithms, great importance was placed on practical icons for the individual parameters and the effectiveness of the function.

Independence Sampler Workstation
Independence is the ultimate sampler workstation for professional music production in the studio and for live productions – Independence Pro and Independence Basic also available now. The first class premium sample library with 12 GB of content (Samplitude Pro X), 70 GB content (Samplitude Pro X Suite, the hundreds of instruments, arranger and step sequencer patches make Independence one of the most powerful tools for creating sample based compositions.

Home Page – http://www.samplitude.com/en/

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