
TutsPlus – Jekyll Essentials

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TutsPlus – Jekyll Essentials
Jekyll is an incredibly popular blogging tool, but the real power of Jekyll is in its ability to let you maintain a site using the tools that you already know. In this course, I’ll explain everything you need to know to create, maintain, extend, and deploy a Jekyll-powered website.

Setup 7m 26s
Intro 4m 58s
Installing Jekyll 2m 28s

Working With Jekyll 49m 30s
YAML and Front Matter 8m 46s
Modular Templates Using Layouts 4m 6s
Mastering Posts 4m 58s
Understanding Drafts 3m 30s
Liquid Tags 7m 36s
Discovering and Enabling 3rd Party Plugins 2m 42s
Easy Deployment with GitHub Pages 4m 36s
Advanced Deployment Using Node.js and jekyll-10-tools 7m 6s
Reviewing What We Know So Far by Building a Super Music Review Log 6m 10s

Custom Plugins 27m 10s
Create Your Own Plugins: Artist Page Generator 11m 8s
Create Your Own Plugins: Snooty Converter 6m 4s
Create Your Own Plugins: Spotify Liquid Tag 9m 58s

Octopress 2m 14s
What’s Octopress 2m 14s

Conclusion 2m 18s

Read more at http://ebookee.org/TutsPlus-Jekyll-Essentials_2506429.html#JmvLJ6lrpvTcFLbh.99

TutsPlus – Jekyll Essentials

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