Action Coaching Club – Eben Pagan & Lou D’Alo
MP4 | AVC @ 53.1 Kbps, 576 x 324, 29.970 fps | AAC @ 128 Kbps, 2 channels, 44.1 KHz | 6,42 GB
Genre: Business, Marketing | Also included: PDFs | Language: English
Training Call “Productivity Primer”
As part of the “Managing Your Self” section of the Action Coaching Checklist, Lou review’s the most important things you can do to increase your productivity, and how to get more done faster, and with less effort, than you ever thought possible.
Training Call “Article Marketing Secrets”
This training “drills down” on one of the most popular and effective free traffic strategies : Article Marketing. Lou interviews Chris Knight, the publisher of the world’s biggest and most heavily trafficked article directory, EzineArticles.com.
Training Call Niche Research and Testing “How To Primer”
Training Call “Create Content Fast”
In this session we’ll learn “How to Create Great Content – Fast! No matter how you slice it, it all boils down to great content, doesn’t it? Whether it’s blog posts, videos, optin incentives, free line content, product launches, programs, courses, ebooks, SEO, DVDs, you name it — if you’re in an information business, you’ve got to learn to get what’s in your head into a format your prospects and clients value and consume.
Training Call “The Web Wagon Wheel”
In this session we’re going to quickly review the answer to one of my most frequently asked questions: “Blogs, Optins, Salesletters, Blogs, Social Media … arrrghh – How do I figure out which ones I need and how they all fit together???” This is one of those things that can get very complex, very fast – if you let it.
Training Call “Content Creation Demo”
In this training we walk through a real life “rapid content creation” example to demonstrate how to quickly create, deliver, record and publish a valuable piece of content that you can use as an optin incentive, or as an SEO/Social marketing piece.
Training Call “How Event Marketing Multiplies Conversion & Sales”
In the past two years or so, I’ve made a simple shift in my marketing that has yielded off-the-chart results in some key areas that I track:
– Registration/attendance at my tele/web seminars has increased 2-3x on average.
– Conversions on promotional events increase from a typical 5-10% to as much as over 60%;
– All my workshops have sold in a matter of days, sometimes hours; and
– I’ve filled any empty spots in my private coaching group within a day or two of promoting..
It’s not just me…
I’ve taught this strategy to my coaching clients, and the ones who are using it are seeing similar results – whether they’re just starting out, or whether they’re running million dollar businesses. Now you can too. In this training I’ll give you a sneak peek into what I’m doing, why it works, and how you can start using it in your business to get these results too.
Training Call The “Nuts and Bolts” of Blogs
A blog is a crucial part of our web presence. We use it to establish our authority and expertise, and get free organic (SEO) traffic. And while it’s relatively easy to use once you get the hang of it, we thought it would be helpful to step you through the exact steps we recommend…
Training Call “Keywords and SEO”
In this session we cover the “essential 20%” of keyword and SEO activity you need to do consistently to drive free and paid traffic to your site, and help optimize your landing page conversions.
Training Call “How to Use Coaching Calls to Grow Your Business”
In this session Lou walks you through the specific, detailed steps of the call structure he uses, and that he coaches his clients to use, to get 7 or 8 out of 10 people who show up on these calls to say “Yes”.
Training Call “Juggernaut” SEO Secrets with Lou D’Alo and John Rhodes
We had very positive feedback throughout this call – John shared some very interesting perspectives and techniques for doing SEO. But remember: until and unless you put it into action … you get no results.
Training Call “Video Stats and Timeboxing Programs”
In this session we’ll learn step by step how to use the Inplay program to create and monitor video statistics. I’ll also demonstrate my favorite productivity tool- Timeboxing. A tool I use when I need to get a lot done – and fast.
Training Call “Intro to Video Tracking & Statistics”
In this call I’ll teach you step by step how to use this FREE tool for tracking video stats.
1) Why tracking is important
2) How tracking helps you
3) How you can benefit the most from your videos and tracking
4) Why you want customers to refer and point to your blog from your videos.
Training Call: Data Backup Tools & Strategies
What would you do if you lost all of your hard work and that great idea? In this session Lou goes in depth about the topic nobody talks or teaches about and walks you through step by step ways to protect yourself and your investment. Lou not only shows you what to do but also several services and programs he swears by!
Weekly Coaching Calls with Lou D’Alo
Join me each week on Thursday’s at 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern for a live coaching call to answer your most important questions about growing your business, or about implementing any part of the Action Coaching Checklist.
It’s also a great time to check in and follow up with any exercises that were offered during Monday night’s weekly training calls.
And remember: coaching works even if you aren’t the one being coached. Often times, listening to other people being coached and offering them ideas and suggestions is a very effective way of creating our own insights and answers.
Choosing to schedule and attend the live coaching call is also a strong signal to your unconscious that you are serious and committed to your success. Don’t underestimate how much that alone contributes to your success!
“See you” on the call!
Lou D’Alo and the Action Coaching Club team Dedicated to your success.
Bonus Sessions
Identifying, Choosing, and Narrowing Your Niche
Choosing the right niche is essential to the success of your business. Most
people get confused and overwhelmed when it comes to this critical first step.
But there’s a way to think about niches – and specific steps to take – that make
choosing your niche a much faster and more comfortable process. Learn how in
this training…
Creating Your Customer Avatar
Most business owners think of their customers as a group of people, and communicate to them as a group. This is a deadly mistake.
In this session you’ll learn what your “Customer Avatar” is, why it’s the key to your marketing success, how to speak in the “voice” of your customer so they feel an instant connection with you, and much more…
Avatar: How to Become the Mind of Your Customer
Developing a “Customer Avatar” is the best way to communicate directly to your target customer and connect on an emotional level. In this session you’ll go through an EXERCISE to create your own Avatar.
Positioning: Owning Your Mental Niche
One of the most overlooked – and powerful – things you can do to grow your business is to “position” it powerfully.
In this session you’ll learn what positioning is and isn’t, how to use position so you don’t have to “compete” with ANYONE, how to make your product stand out as the #1 product in its category (even if you’re just starting out), and much more..
The Psychology of Online “Lead Generation”
Your business can’t survive without continually getting more customers. That’s what Lead Generation is about. But most business owners approach this with the wrong psychology – and they fail before they even begin. Here are 3 reasons why most people fail with lead generation and how you can avoid them… and grow the business of your dreams.
Move The Free Line
One of the “weirdest” things we’ve learned is that by GIVING AWAY massive value for FREE, you can make more sales than by forcing people to pay for all your “good stuff.”
In this session you’ll learn 4 things you can give away to wow your customers and make more money, how much you should give away before you go “over board,” the exact story of how we used Moving the Free Line to do a multi-million dollar product launch, and much more…
Designing Your One Hour Telephone Consultation
How to Organize Your Ideas and Products Using “frameworks”, Part 1
One way to make your content much more compelling and digestible to your audience is to use what I call frameworks. In this session, you’ll learn my very favorite framework: what it is, why it’s so essential, and exactly how to use it to take your ideas and teachings to the next level.
How to Organize Your Ideas And Products Using “frameworks”, Part 2
To be successful, your marketing and products must reach out and connect with the individual consuming it. frameworks are tools that help you make this connection. In this session, learn more about how to use frameworks in all of your communication… and grow your business as quickly as possible…
Be a Smart Marketer, Not a Dumb Expert
One of the biggest mistakes to look out for is seeing yourself and acting as an Expert, instead of a Marketer. Marketers are able to successfully grow businesses… Experts are not. In this training learn the difference between these two “mindsets” and how you can become a Smart Marketer…
Bonus Session “How to Use Social Media to Drive Traffic to Your Site” with Don Crowther
Search engines love social media! And content is the key to success in social media. If you want to do well in social media (and on the Internet), you need to learn how to master content.
In this session, Facebook and Twitter expert Don Crowther shares his secrets:
· To identify and write about things that will make your audience love you
· About when and where to post your messages
· Of how to bypass your prospects’ “marketing blindness” with the kind of product pitches that work well on Twitter and Facebook
Bonus Session: How to Write a Killer Sales Letter with Craig Clemens – Part 1
In this training you will learn:
• How to discover the “hot buttons” that have the have the most influence on your prospect’s decision to buy from you – or not
• How to avoid the mistake of speaking to what you THINK your prospects want – only to find out you are wrong (this can literally ruin your business)
• “The Persuasion Interview” – a series of specific questions to discover what motivates your prospects to buy
• Why writing a simple autobiography as your prospect can increase your sales
• and much more…
Bonus Session: How to Write a Killer Sales Letter with Craig Clemens – Part 2
In this training you will learn:
• A proven formula for writing a killer sales letter. Just write each individual section and place it into this formula… and you double your chances for success
• How we use this formula in our own sales letters that have sold tens of millions of dollars of our products. You’ll watch as we go over these letters, section by section
• Where to put your personal story, your bullets, your guarantee… and every other part of your sales letter
• How to explain your price in a way that makes it easy for people to see it as a bargain
• and much more…

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