
Angry Birds Star Wars II v1.4.1 Android-DeBTPDA

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原力随此增强。为 Angry Birds Star Wars II 做好准备—红极一时游戏大作的史诗级后续作品!以 Star Wars 电影前传为背景,用永不枯竭的原力对抗贪婪的 Pork Federation(猪猪联邦)或选择一条更为黑暗的道路。没错;您有史以来第一次可以“加入猪猪阵营”并扮演令人恐惧的达斯摩尔、帕尔帕廷皇帝以及自己喜欢的其他大量人物。


30 多个可玩角色!史上最大的可玩角色阵容—尤达、飞车赛手阿纳金、梅斯·温杜、詹高·费特等等!

Description: The Force is strong with this one. Get ready for Angry Birds Star Wars II – the epic follow-up to the #1 smash hit game! Based on the Star Wars movie prequels, use the Force for good against the greedy Pork Federation or choose a much darker path. That’s right; for the first time ever you can “Join the Pork Side” and play as the fearsome Darth Maul, Emperor Palpatine and many other favorites!


  • JOIN THE PORK SIDE! For the first time ever play as the pigs! Wield Darth Maul’s double-bladed Lightsaber, or play as Darth Vader, General Grievous and other villains!
  • 30+ PLAYABLE CHARACTERS! Our biggest line-up ever of playable characters – Yoda, pod-racing Anakin, Mace Windu, Jango Fett and many more!
  • TELEPODS! A groundbreaking new way to play! Now teleport your favorite characters into the game by placing your Angry Birds Star Wars Telepods* figures on your device’s camera!
  • BECOME A JEDI OR SITH MASTER! So many Bird and Pork Side levels to master, plus a bonus reward chapter and a ton of achievements to unlock!
  • SWAP CHARACTERS AS YOU PLAY! Switch characters in the slingshot at any time – yours to earn or purchase!
  • ToonsTV READY TO GO! The home of the hugely popular Angry Birds Toons animated series, plus many other top-quality videos!

Release Name: Angry.Birds.Star.Wars.II.v1.4.1.Android-DeBTPDA
Size: 49.19 MB
Links: Google PlayNFONTiTPB

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