Xlight FTP Server 支持SSL加密和ODBC数据库,服务器运行时占用很少的CPU和内存资源. 用它独创的高效网络算法,它能够比其他Windows FTP服务器处理更多的用户。
Xlight FTP Server还有很多其他FTP服务器没有的独特功能.强大的访问控制规则,可以用来隐藏/显示文件和目录或者禁止/允许用户对文件和目录的指定FTP访问. 支持完全分离的虚拟目录结构,有用户,组和公共三种虚拟目录,便于灵活管理. 支持FTP服务器总带宽控制,可以定时控制FTP服务器的总带宽. 当在ADSL路由器或防火墙后运行FTP服务器时,它能够自动检测广域网IP地址的变化.能够控制每个FTP连接和用户的命令执行速度,便于保护服务器和减弱拒绝服务攻击的影响.能够远程启动,停止和暂停任何一个虚拟服务器。
Xlight FTP Server Pro 3.x | 5.8 MB
Xlight FTP Server is a high performance and easy to use ftp server software for Windows. It is designed to handle thousands of simultaneous ftp clients and use very little CPU and memory.
Xlight FTP Server has many unique and useful features, such as the native ftp users isolation.
The following are some of its key features:
Support Active Directory – Users can be authenticated against Active Directory. Settings of ftp users can be stored in the Active Directory.
Support LDAP – Users can be authenticated against the LDAP directory Server. Settings of ftp users can be stored in the LDAP directory server.
Store users in the database – User settings and password can be stored in the external database and retrieved through ODBC connections. Stored procedure is supported to facilitate the integration of database applications.
128 bits SSL – FTP sessions can be protected by industry security standard. SSL client authentication is also supported.
Support SFTP(SSH2) protocol – SFTP virtual server can be created and managed the same way as FTP virtual server.
Email Event Notification – Automatically notify events happened in the ftp server by email. Such events include file upload, download, delete and disk space low etc.
UNC Path Impersonation – FTP server can use the impersonation account to access password protected network shares.
Server log and audit
FTP sessions and errors log – Detailed logs of ftp sessions and server errors.
Support ftp xferlog format – Support writing ftp transfer log in UNIX FTP xferlog format.
Store file transfer logs in the database – File transfer logs can be stored in the external database through ODBC.
Send log to Syslog server – All server logs can be sent to Syslog server at the same time.
Server administration
GUI Remote Administration – Server can be securely administrated from anywhere and remote administration is firewall friendly. It can be performed from any opened FTP control port. There is no need to open a special remote administration in the firewall.
Native User Isolation – Each user has his own virtual paths separated from other users. A user can never see virtual paths of other users. There is no need to lock a user in his home path any more.
Hierarchy Virtual Paths – FTP server supports public and group paths, which make the access control and permission management much easier. Group path can be seen only by users of a group, public path can be seen by all users.
Support virtual servers – FTP Server can run multiple virtual servers on the same IP address.
Real-time Configuration Management – Configuration changes will take place in the real-time without restarting the ftp server.
Fine-grained Bandwidth Control – Bandwidth can be controlled at the server, group and user level or scheduled by time.
OS : Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/2008/2012
Language : English
Home Page – http://www.xlightftpd.com/
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