
Hot Door CADtools 12.2.5 for Adobe Illustrator

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Hot Door CADtools是一款适用于Illustrator(AI)的强大的工程制图插件。利用CADtools可以让你的Illustrator做很多原本Autocad才方便做的操作(如插图标注、等量绘制、等量标注等等)。CADtools 8.2.4支持Illustrator CS3~Illustrator CC版本,并且新增中文语言支持,意味着大家以后不用找汉化补丁即可用上Hot Door CADtools中文版了。Hot Door CADtools推出官方中文版本,这也说明越来越多的国外软件公司开始重视中国市场了,这对中国用户来说是个积极的信息。

Hot Door CADTools插件介绍:

Hot Door CADTools是一款优秀的工程制图Adobe Illustrator插件包,利用CADTools,那么你的Illustrator就可以用来做很多原本Autocad才方便做的事。简单来说就是Cadtools整合了一套完整的工程制图工具,安装了Cadtools插件的Illustrator 软件用鼠标点击即可绘制出任何大小、具有标注的插图。新版本的CADTools改进和扩充了绘制和标注工具,并把所用的工具分成了六组:2D制图、2D编辑、2D标注、标签、等量绘制、等量标注。新版本的CADTools特征包括:等量制图、投影及标注,双标注和公差,切线工具,改进的标注和标签,完美的修整工具等。

Languages: Multilingual | For Adobe Illustrator 2020/2021 | File Size: 224.47 MB

CADtools – Precision drawing and dimensioning power inside Adobe Illustrator. Click and drag dimensions or labels on every possible object, path, or point in space. Live dimensions follow and respond to artwork changes.

Top new features in CADtools 12:
– Six new engineering and construction calculators
– Structured label designer
– Panel and tool improvements
– Preview labels and dimensions
– Compress panels by hiding sections you don’t use
– Completely rewritten Revision Bubble tool

Draw, dimension & label anything in scale
Click and drag dimensions or labels on every possible object, path, or point in space. Live dimensions follow and respond to artwork changes.

Works just like other Illustrator tools!
CADtools adds 92 drawing, editing, labeling, dimensioning, transformation, creation, and utility tools organized in 10 tool groups in the Adobe Illustrator tool panel.

– 2D Drawing
– 2D Dimensioning
– Axonometric Drawing
– Axonometric Dimensioning
– CAD Walls
– 2D Editing
– Labeling
– Transformation
– Creation
– Utility

Click-drag tools with seamless integration
CADtools adds 92 tools to the tool panel. Red dots indicate the number and placement of mouse-clicks to edit or create an object, label or dimension. Recent tools include Scale Line, Repeat, Repeat Along Path, Scaled Type, Grid, and Wave tools.

Document or layer scales and scale calculator
Select from a wide range of engineering and architectural scales or create an unlimited number of custom scales. Figuring out scale is easy with the Scale Calculator.

Unlimited styles for dimensions and labels
Create beautiful live dimensions as measurements, letter, number, or custom text. Create custom labels with text, numbers, alphabet or object geometry.

3D-style cubes, cylinders, and planes
Create art with custom 3D-like view angles using the CADaxonometric panel. Dimension with axonometric dimension tools or flatten into front, side, or plan views.

CADunits cover all possibilities
Set up units and precision for dimension values as well as numeric input, CADrulers and CADtools panel options. Add polish to professional docs with clever compact fractions.

Guides and grids your way
With CADguides, customize scaled rulers and grids that can snap with CADtools drawing tools. Show full screen cursors to easily create and edit CADtools objects.

CADshortcuts and automatic dimensions
Instantly apply dimensions to artwork by using the CADshortcuts panel. Save time by applying custom presets that retain CADtools settings.

Measure and transform objects in scale
Numerically move and transform objects in scale with CADtracker. View angle, perimeter, length, and area of one or more paths or placed images.

CADdashboard and CADhelp
Quickly access all tools and panels with CADdashboard. The context-sensitive CADhelp panel shows step-by-step details and video tutorials for the current tool or panel.
System Requirements:
– Requires Adobe Illustrator 2020 (v24) and higher incl. support for Illustrator 2021 (v25)
– CADtools can be used in English, Japanese, Simplified and Traditional Chinese independent of the OS language setting

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