
USB Secure 2.2.0

Windows dsgsd 282浏览 0评论
USB Secure 1.7.0

USB Secure 可以通过设置密码来保护你的U盘、迷你U盘、记忆棒、闪存卡等。它支持即插即用,当U盘插上电脑的时候它将自动运行,要求你输入密码。

USB Secure 2x | 1.8 MB

Where there is a USB Drive, there has to be USB Secure! USB Secure can password protect USB drives. Protection is PC independent, doesn’t require installation and doesn’t require administrator rights at the other end. Never again worry about lost or stolen USB drives if you have protected it with USB Secure. USB Secure works with all types of portable media like USB Flash drives, Thumb drives, Memory sticks, External drives and Memory Cards.

OS : Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 (32-bit, 64-bit)
Language : English

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