
Futuremark PCMark 10 2.1.2535 x64 Multilingual

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PCMark 10 是我们行业标准化 PC 基准测试系列工具的最新版本。PCMark 10 针对 Windows 10 新增了已改善的工作负载,变得更快速、更易于使用。

PCMark 10 含有一整套全面的测试项,涵盖现代办公场所中的各种任务。通过一系列性能测试,自定义运行选项和新的电池寿命数据图表,PCMark 10是现代办公的完整 PC 基准测试。

  • 适合 Windows 10 的行业标准化 PC 性能基准测试。
  • 包含各种相关测试,能反映现代办公场所的各种需求。
  • 电池寿命测试涵盖一系列常见场景
  • 准确而公正的结果,非常适合采购流程中保持供应商的中立性。
  • 与众多领先科技公司共同研发而成。


PCMark 10 容易安装和运行,无需复杂的配置。PCMark 10 使用基于实际应用程序与活动的测试项,全面测评该系统性能对现代办公需求的满足程度。运行任何基准测试,您将获得可用于比较系统的分数。 或运行五个电池寿命场景来测试和比较笔记本电脑的电池寿命。或运行五个电池寿命场景来测试和比较笔记本电脑的电池寿命。


凭借其新增的已改善的工作负载,PCMark 10 的主要基准测试项所花费的时间还不到 PCMark 8 同等测试项的一半。


在 PCMark 10 中,用户不必在 PCMark 8 所采用的“加速”和“常规”基准测试模式之间进行选择。




PCMark 10 采用与 3DMark 和 VRMark 相同的用户界面风格。由于采用熟悉的布局,用户很容易使用 PCMark 10 进行基准测试。

File size: 3.0 GB

Futuremark PCMark 10 is the latest in Futuremark series of industry standard PC benchmarks. Updated for Windows 10 with new and improved workloads, PCMark 10 is also faster and easier to use. Futuremark PCMark 10 features a comprehensive set of tests that cover the wide variety of tasks performed in the modern workplace. With express, extended, and custom run options to suit your needs, PCMark 10 is the complete PC benchmark for the modern office and an ideal choice for organizations that buy PCs in high volumes.

Futuremark PCMark 10 measures overall system performance for modern office work using tests based on real-world apps and activities.
There are Extended, Express, and Custom run options for exploring other aspects of system performance if needed.

The industry standard PC performance benchmark for Windows 10.
Relevant tests which reflect the varied demands of modern work.
Accurate and impartial results, ideal for vendor-neutral procurement.
Created in cooperation with leading technology companies.

With its new and improved workloads, the main benchmark takes less than half the time of the equivalent test in PCMark 8. You no longer have to choose between the Accelerated and Conventional benchmarking modes used in PCMark 8.

Each benchmark run produces a high-level benchmark score, mid-level test group scores, and low-level workload scores.

PCMark 10 benchmark
It is the complete benchmark for the modern office. It is the ideal test for organizations that are evaluating PCs for a workforce with a range of performance needs. The tests in this benchmark cover a wide range of activities from everyday productivity tasks to demanding work with digital media content.

PCMark 10 Express
It is a shorter benchmark that focuses on basic work tasks. It is a good choice when tendering for PCs for general office use. This benchmark focuses on the performance needs of a typical office worker. It is less demanding than the main PCMark 10 test.

PCMark 10 Extended
It is a longer benchmark that covers a wider range of activities. It provides organizations with a complete assessment of system performance beyond typical office work tasks. PCMark 10 Extended expands the main benchmark with demanding graphics and physics tests that focus on GPU and CPU performance.

Test groups
PCMark 10 uses a modular approach to build relevant benchmark tests around common end-user scenarios. A Test Group is a collection of workloads that share a common theme or purpose. There are four test groups in PCMark 10.

The Essentials group covers the common, everyday ways that people use a PC. The workloads include Web Browsing, Video Conferencing, and App Start-up time.
The Productivity test group measures system performance with everyday office applications. This test group includes the Spreadsheets and Writing workloads.
Digital Content Creation test group’s workload reflect the demands of working with digital content and media. The tests include Photo Editing, Video Editing, and Rendering and Visualization.
The Gaming test group focuses on real-time graphics and physics. It includes two Graphics tests for GPU performance, a Physics test for CPU performance, and a Combined test.

PCMark 10 Professional Edition:
Licensed for business and commercial use.
Easy to install and run, no complicated configuration required.
Command line automation and scripting.
Keep sensitive results private with the offline results option.
Export results as XML and PDF for analysis and reporting.
Priority technical support over email and telephone.

Editions: All Editions.



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