
FastScripts 3.1 MacOS

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爱玩脚本的同学可以试试FastScripts,她是一款脚本快速调用工具,被置于Menubar上,子菜单里包含了各种类型的脚本,FastScripts 默认加载了Library/Scripts目录下的所有Scripts,选择 “Create xxx Scripts Folder” 就能为当前程序创建一个以其名字命名的脚本文件夹,你可以将脚本放在里面供随时调用,此外,FastScripts 还可以为每一个脚本设置快捷键。

File size: 8 MB
FastScripts is a utility for quickly and elegantly executing AppleScript and shell scripts from within any application. FastScripts is a super-charged replacement for the Apple “Script Menu” menu extra. In addition to the functionality provided by Apple’s Script Menu utility,

FastScripts offers a number of compelling improvements:
– User-definable keyboard shortcuts for any scripts in the menu
– “SmartSwitching” avoids unnecessary context switches
– Elegant Application-Specific scripts support
– Convenient shortcuts for editing and revealing scripts

Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.

Supported Operation Systems:
macOS 10.14.6 or later 64-bit


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