
Siemens Simcenter Flotherm XT 2021.2 x64

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Flotherm XT 是一种无与伦比的一流热仿真解决方案。它融合了市场领先的 Simcenter Flotherm 热分析软件特性以及 Simcenter FloEFD 的并行计算流体动力学 (CFD) 技术。Flotherm XT 可以轻松处理大型复杂电子系统;与传统常规解决方案相比,其处理时间大幅缩短,因而能让机械工程师和热分析专家快速打造最佳热设计。

完整的几何体和非几何体智能零件库可为用户提供各式各样最先进的元件,以进行快速准确的模型创建。FloTHERM XT 直接处理本地机械计算机辅助设计 (MCAD) 几何体,因而支持将任意不规则和曲线几何体用于非标准形状参数、新型散热片设计、斜角印刷电路板、径流式增压器等。

FLOEDA Bridge 模块提供易于使用的直观 Mentor Xpedition 界面,而 ODB++ 和 IPC2581 格式支持 Cadence、Zuken 和 Altium,因此能够通过使用现有电子设计自动化 (EDA) 数据节约时间,而无需在意原始设计是如何创建的。

File Size: 4.6 GB

FloTHERM XT is a unique, award-winning thermal simulation solution that can be used during all stages of the electronics design process – from conceptual design to manufacturing – improving product quality, reliability and time-to-market.

Compress the Electronics Thermal Design Process
FloTHERM XT tightly couples the MCAD and EDA design flows and cuts design process times by factor of at least 2 when compared to traditional general-purpose simulation products. This enables designers and thermal specialists to quickly and efficiently arrive at an optimum solution.

New CAD-centric Approach to Thermal Engineering
A CAD-centric user interface, as well as geometry engine for complex and arbitrary shaped geometries, enables users to quickly become productive. FloTHERM XT offers CAD connectivity and advanced CAD modeling capabilities which considerably shorten the learning curve.

Fast, Accurate Model Creation and Simulation
Full geometric and non-geometric SmartParts and library capabilities enable users to access a full set of the most popular components for fast and accurate model creation.

Parametric Studies for Optimized Designs
FloTHERM XT’s fully integrated environment for defining, solving and analyzing results using parametric variations of geometry, attributes (e.g. material, thermal) plus solution parameters significantly enhances the design optimization process. Its “Design of Experiments” scenario table allows users to set up a number of studies to ensure the best coverage of the design field. These scenarios may also be sent to remote machines with more capacity.

Advanced EDA Interfacing
FloTHERM XT’s interoperability with PCB design flows reduces time-consuming data translation and costly errors. It provides an easy and intuitive direct interface to Mentor Xpedition® and its ODB++ interface supports Cadence, Zuken and Altium. Any board and component layout can be imported and easily modified for position, size, orientation, shape and modeling level prior to transfer to FloTHERM XT. And with the addition of thermal territory simulation, FloTHERM XT supports detailed copper “under the component” models which are used to draw heat away from that component, further improving accuracy. That is why FloTHERM XT is the only solution on the market that allows engineers to work effortlessly with geometry created in the MDA or EDA world.

OS: Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1/10 64-bit

Whats New:
Read: Simcenter_Flotherm_XT_rh.pdf



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