The OpenPlant development team is pleased to announce the availability of Isometrics Manager CONNECT Edition Update 10 ( is a flexible, powerful application that runs independent from plant design applications to provide a cost-effective means for non-engineers to quickly create and manage isometrics.
New and Changed in OpenPlant Isometrics Manager CONNECT Edition Update 10
– New label grouping option for user labels
– Ability to produce tap reports
– Dynamic indexing of report entries
– Provision to customize output file names specifically for revisioning
– Dual dimension option for coordinates values
– More control on inline component scaling
OpenPlant CONNECT Update 10 continues to offer Data Manager as a cloud service which is available as part of Collaborative Engineering Services in PlantSight. OpenPlant users can manage tags and data to ensure project information is trustworthy, actionable, and consistent. Seamless integration with OpenPlant can be leveraged to support distributed teams, utilize component-based workflows and manage changes for all your projects to have up-to-date engineering information.
OpenPlant CONNECT Edition is the first product in Bentley’s multi-discipline plant design solution to utilize iModelHub, Bentley’s cloud service that tracks all changes made to project designs and notifies users about the changes. iModelHub allows you to synchronize to and from particular timeline milestones and visualize, summarize, analyze, and interpret the impact of ongoing changes.
OpenPlant Isometrics Manager CONNECT Edition is the first software to extract intelligent isometric information from any design system’s 3D model, and do so automatically and in real time. It provides management control capabilities for pipe models and isometrics from OpenPlant, Bentley plant products, PDMS, SmartPlant and PDS. OpenPlant Isometrics Manager CONNECT Edition includes SELECT CONNECTservices, new Azure-based services that provide comprehensive learning, mobility, and collaboration benefits to every Bentley application subscriber.
Bentley Systems is a software development company that supports the professional needs of those responsible for creating and managing the world’s infrastructure.
Product: OpenPlan Isometrics Manager
Version: CONNECT Edition Update 10 (
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.bentley.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 3.5 Gb
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