
RokDoc 2022.2 x64

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RokDoc是一个全面的定量解释(QI)平台。RokDoc被设计为功能强大且易于使用,是全球石油公司首选的QI平台。RokDoc使解释人员可以访问岩石物理学,正演模拟,地震反演,地压,高级定量储层分析和地质力学。它使资产团队能够最大程度地利用可用数据和区域知识的价值。除了有170多家直接支持其开发的公司之外,Ikon Science与主要石油公司之间的持续合作关系使RokDoc成为可能。软件和内容:RokDoc与Ikon Roknowledge的区域研究和Ikon MetaStore的信息一起使用,以提供内容驱动的上下文来快速启动新项目。

x64 | File Size: 817 MB

RokDoc is the result of more than 20 years of innovative research and industry experience. RokDoc offers a seamless interface incorporating everything from data quality control to modeling and prediction, integrating multidisciplinary workflows for Quantitative Interpretation, Pore Pressure, and Geomechanics.

Integrated Subsurface Workflows
RokDoc is the result of more than 20 years of innovative research and industry experience. RokDoc offers a seamless interface incorporating everything from data quality control to modeling and prediction, integrating multidisciplinary workflows for Quantitative Interpretation, Pore Pressure, and Geomechanics.

Improve Subsurface Interpretation
Evaluate sandstone, shale, and carbonate reservoirs for improved hydrocarbon exploration, production, and optimization, CO2 sequestration, and geothermal surveying using a comprehensive and extensive library of rock physics, cutting edge seismic inversion techniques, and complete geomechanics solution.

Interrogate Subsurface Data
Automate and easily evaluate geological “what if” scenarios. Capture uncertainty in data and models to better understand the probability of success for subsurface resource exploitation and stored fluid monitoring.

Interrogate Subsurface Data
Gain Maximum Understanding of Geoscience Data
RokDoc helps you gain tangible insights out of your seismic and well information with flexible solutions for every play. Extract maximum value from multiple data types to help you evaluate and better understand every aspect of the subsurface. RokDoc helps your team explore, capture, and communicate geological, geophysical, and data uncertainty.

Powerful Sophisticated Tools
Best-in-class algorithms are available on a single, easy-to-use platform that enables interdisciplinary analysis by combining engineering and geoscience data into integrated workflows.

Evergreen Solution with World Class Support
The ongoing development of RokDoc is customer-driven and market-focused. Our development approach is agile, responsive and strategically linked to the needs of our clients.

System Requirements
OS:Windows 10
CPU:Preferred: dual quad-core processor / SSD
Memory:Minimum: 8GB (16GB practical minimum for RokDoc-3D usage)
GPU:Preferred: NVIDIA Quadro K5200 (desktop) / NVIDIA Quadro K5100M



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