
ON1 Sky Swap AI 2023.1 x64

Windows dsgsd 150浏览 0评论

Sky Swap AI 让更换或增强暗淡的天空变得轻而易举。它会检测照片中的天空并自动创建华丽的蒙版。只需从 231 个包含的天空中选择一个或导入您自己的天空。125 个内置天空来自超高分辨率航拍图像的领先提供商 OcuDrone。Sky Swap AI 将机器学习与令人惊叹的精选天空相结合,消除了对其他编辑应用程序通常需要的复杂蒙版和图层的需求。

File size: 1.4 GB

Sky Swap AI makes replacing or enhancing a dull sky a breeze. It detects the sky in your photo and creates a gorgeous mask automatically. Simply select from one of the 231 included skies or import your own. 125 of the built-in skies are sourced from OcuDrone, a leading provider of ultra-high resolution aerial images. Sky Swap AI combines machine learning with amazing curated skies to eliminate the need for complex masks and layers normally required in other editing apps………



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