
Ensoft Group 2022.12.6

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Ensoft Suite 是一款多功能建筑工程分析计算软件,使用能够帮助用户轻松计算分析土壤介质中承载能力,支持分析柔性挡土墙,计算边坡稳定性等多个实用功能,可大大提高工作效率,节省工程成本,是一款非常实用的工具!

EnSoft主要以提供设计工具和制造软件流程来提高系统的质量和安全性,管理变化,并减少复杂的软件和网络物理系统的开发时间。Ensoft 的产品和服务已被全球300多家公司使用,包括汽车,航空航天还有防务等行业在北美,欧洲和亚洲的大型公司。

File size: 63.3 MB

GROUP is a well-known software for analyzing the behavior of pile groups subjected to combined axial, lateral and torsional loadings. The program was developed to compute the distribution of loads (vertical, lateral, and overturning moment in up to three orthogonal axes) when applied from multiple locations in a rigid or flexible pile cap to piles arranged in a group. GROUP also provides the estimated lateral and axial movements of each pile and cap in the model.

The program generates internally the nonlinear response of the soil, in the form of t-z and Q-w curves for axial loading, in the form of p-y curves for lateral loading and in the form of T-q curves for torsional loading. A solution requires iteration to accommodate the nonlinear response of each pile in the group model. Program GROUP solves the nonlinear response of each pile under combined loadings and assures compatibility of deformations and equilibrium of forces between the applied external loads and the reactions of each pile head.

Pile Sections
User defined piles with circular, rectangular, and/or wide-flange sections, with option to include nonlinear flexural stiffness for standard reinforced concrete sections for complex composite sections with structural steel inserts.
Circular (hollow or full)
Custom widge flange
Predefined AISC sections from built-in library
User defined sectional properties
Circular section with or without rebar reinforcements
Circular sections with casing
Circular steel tubes
Predefined AISC sections from built-in library
Prestressed square sections
Presstressed octagonal sections
User defined EI

Accepts combined loadings (axial + lateral) with load factors and with ability to compute maximum and minimum envelops for load cases and load combinations.
Users may specify concentrated loads (at any position) at the pile cap and/or distributed lateral loads (using local or global axes) along the length of any pile(s).
Includes option to use cyclic model for soil p-y curves where available.

Soil Movement
The user is able to input a profile of soil movements versus depth as additional loading on the pile. The movements of the soil may be produced from any action that causes soil movements, such as those due to slope instability, lateral spreading during earthquakes, and seepage forces.


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