
Kuassa Efektor Moon Muffin 1.0.0

Windows dsgsd 53浏览 0评论

File size: 8.0 MB

Dive into a universe of iconic fuzz tones with Kuassa Efektor Moon Muffin. Featuring ten meticulously crafted models of the legendary big sustainer pedals, Efektor Moon Muffin offers a spectrum of distortion flavors that range from velvety warmth to blistering saturation.

Each model authentically captures the essence of its real-world counterpart, delivering the signature fatness, sustain, and harmonic richness that have made this particular pedal a staple in the world of guitar effects. Efektor Moon Muffin puts the power of legendary fuzz right on your screen.

Key Features
10 Types of Authentic Big Sustainer Variants: Explore a diverse range of fuzz tones meticulously modeled after the iconic pedals, including the exotic mods
V1 TRI REF: Triangle pi reference board
V1 TRI STD: Triangle pi standard
V2 RAM 47: Ram’s face 47nf version
V2 RAM WHT: Ram’s face “white can”
V2 RAM 75: Ram’s face 1975
V7 RUS BLK: Russian black version
V9 TRI NYC: Classic pi NYC reissue
ACTON FUZZ: Fuzzmaster without boost section
EL SUSTAIN: Japanese super sustainer
J CREATOR: Rocking pedal volume/sustainer


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