
Application Wizard 4.6.0 MacOS

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Application Wizard是一款系统文件及软件快速启动管理程序,它可以帮助用户快速打开需要使用和常用的项目而省去搜寻的烦恼。


  使用Application Wizard您可以快速打开,退出,显示包括隐藏文件夹在内的所有文件。您可以浏览常用的文件夹,快速打开隐藏项目,轻松查看文件,最近使用的文件夹,通讯簿和iPhoto或Aperture的媒体库,预览图像,音乐,电影和PDF文件,复制图片和展示幻灯片,查看元数据相关的档案和内存使用量。

File Size: 9.2 MB

Application Wizard provides fast access to applications, documents, folders, and disks. It lets you quickly open, quit, and make applications active, run AppleScripts, and reduce screen clutter by turning on single-application mode.

On screen, a simple panel contains four main menus Application Wizard (open, close, switch and special), which allow you to define groups of preferred applications and / or themes such as, for example, all Internet applications, which will be possible open, close, show or hide more than one application at the same time, thanks to the multiple selection.

The special menu offers very interesting extras as the ability to initiate and / or close Mac OS Classic, exit and / or restart the Finder and the Dock, switch users, put the Mac on hold, restart and / or close it. But we can also open recent applications, all applications in the Dock or the Folder and preferably to the panel.

Application Wizard is a very significant help when you want to close an application or group of applications, without having to activate them before, but if you decide to close all background applications, get rid of a capricious application refuses to start correctly, switch body applications or groups of applications and more, here you have everything.


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