
Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise 2024.1.20 (x64) Multilingual

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一款功能非常强大的远程管理软件, 可以帮助你轻松的管理登录远程服务器, 带登录的终端功能, 支持双显示器, 支持VPN连接功能! 支持Macro宏, 支持Script脚本! 支持高级搜索功能! 非常强大! 该软件兼容兼容 Microsoft Remote Desktop,终端服务,VNC,LogMeIn,Team Viewer,FTP,SSH,Telnet,Dameware,X Window,VMware,Virtual PC,PC Anywhere, Hyper-V, Citrix, Radmin, Microsoft Remote Assistance, Oracle Virtual Box 等等。

File Size: 257.8 MB

Remote Desktop Manager is a small apgfplication used to manage all your remote connections and virtual machines. Add, edit, delete, shared, organize and find your remote connection quickly. Compatible with Microsoft Remote Desktop, Termfinal Services, VNC, LogMeIn, Team Viewer, Ftp, SSH, Telnet, Dameware, X Window, VMware, Virtual PC, PC Anywhere, Hyper-V, Citrix, Radmin, Microsoft Remote Assistance, Sun Virtual Box and more.

Enterprise Edition
* Share your remote connection settings inside a company database.
* Save your credentials and passwords in a database.
* Monitor user activities with the database logs.
* Faster and more secure solution.
* Available in single license, multiple licenses pack, global license or site license.

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