
Autodesk Mudbox 2025 x64 MacOS Multilanguage

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Autodesk Mudbox 2025是一款专业的3D雕刻和绘画应用软件,这款软件为大家提供纹理烘烤、三维层、多分辨率网格编辑等功能,主要用于3D建模,可以帮助您轻松制作出非常逼真的多边形三维模型,满足电影、游戏开发、设计和可视化行业的专业建模人员的需求设计。

x64 | Languages:Multilanguage | File Size: 1.58 GB

Autodesk Mudbox digital painting and sculpting software provides 3D artists with an intuitive and tactile toolset for creating highly detailed 3D geometry and textures for beautiful characters and environments. Autodesk has released Mudbox 2019, the latest update to the digital sculpting software, extending its dynamic tessellation system, and adding a new option to merge multiple meshes into a single object

Autodesk Mudbox software is a cost-effective digital sculpting and painting solution. Mudbox provides 3D artists with an intuitive and tactile toolset for creating and modifying high-quality 3D geometry and textures. Autodesk Mudbox digital painting and sculpting software provides 3D artists with an intuitive and tactile toolset for creating and modifying 3D geometry and textures. Use Mudbox software to create high-quality 3D geometry and textures for your next project. Take advantage of an intuitive work environment and professional tools for 3D sculpting and painting.

Features of AutoDesk Mudbox 2024
-A new Preserve Volume option has been added the smooth tool to prevent excessive mesh degradation, especially when working with dynamic tessellation.
-Several improvements to Dynamic Tessellation, including support UVs, Selection Sets, Joint Weights, and Falloff Type.
-The ability to merge multiple meshes into a single object.
-The ability to separate merged meshes back to separate meshes.
-A new stamp offset parameter to fine tune the depth of a stamps imprint on a model.
-A new Delete UVs feature.
-The patch tool has been updated to allow the user to remove parts of a mesh without needing a hole or border faces in the tessellated mesh.
-Improved support for HiDPI monitors.

System Requirements
OS:Apple® Mac OS® 13.x, 12.x, 11.x
RAM:4 GB of RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
CPU:64-bit Intel® or AMD® multi-core processor
Disk Space:1 GB of free disk space for install



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