
AIArty Image Matting 2.5 x64 Multilingual

Windows dsgsd 1浏览 0评论


Aiarty Image Matting 是一款基于AI的先进软件,专为您的AI PC设计。精准地去除图像背景,处理复杂物体如头发、毛发和半透明元素,完美融合前景和背景。

File size: 139.7 MB

The State-of-the-Art AI-based image matting software for your AIPC, delivering precise background removal, advanced alpha matting for detailed hair, fur, and transparent objects, and seamless foreground-background blending.

Optimized for Semi-transparent Object Matting
Utilize deep convolutional layers to capture complex features in images like wedding dresses, lace, tulle, glass, and water droplets. Expertly preserve translucent properties and optimize edge details, ensuring more natural blend into the new background.

Isolate Low-light/Contrast Images
Improve matting accuracy even in low light scenes, reduce noise, and preserve fine details. Clearly seperate foreground from background. No more blurred edges or incomplete masks…………..


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