Presswerk 是一个动态处理器工具包,带有丰富的功能集以及容易上手的界面,适合于各种塑形任务。Presswerk 将不同压缩风格的元素,组合到了一个界面中,允许用户选择如何来使用 Presswerk。
- 3 种不同的结构:前馈,后馈和交互(前馈和后馈混合)。
- 双通道(立体声)或两个独立通道。
- M/S(中/侧)模式 – 用于更细致的立体声处理以及细致的母带任务。
- DPR(双相位交替)模式 – 通过在输入和输出阶段交替低、中频率创建一个经典板载设备相位共鸣的仿真。
- 可调整非线性控制 – 模拟特殊压缩器或增益衰减电路的特殊行为。
- 为侧链准备的 6/12 dB 高通 & 低通滤波。
- 前置或后置压缩阶段饱和,带有可变“温暖”(斜面滤波风格)和“动态”到来自经典设备的基于 FET 分压器的失真行为的模型。
- 用于通常任务的预设(比如,混缩、闪避、歌声)。
- 用户界面可按 10% 每步放大。
- 32 & 64-位 VST、AU、AAX。
File size: 152.5 MB
Presswerk: Dynamics processor with musical soul. Presswerk is more than an emulation of a single hardware compressor. Like Satin, Presswerk is a toolkit, drawing ideas and inspiration from a number of sources. It starts with warmth of classic analogue units and adds features only possible in the digital realm. The result is a powerful compressor with a rich feature set and a very musical soul. Presswerk was designed to fit into any workflow, no matter what task you throw at it. Presswerk gives you the tools for better sound.
6 special views for better workflow: Easy, Vocal, Drum, Bus, M/S and Limiter
Capable of internal sidechaining, with bipolar delay, low cut and high cut filters (6 or 12dB per octave)
Internal parallel (New York) compression
M/S mode
Skinnable UI
Over 120 factory presets for common compression tasks
Presswerk is a powerful dynamics processor with a musical soul. An easy-to-use interface and a rich feature set give you hands-on control over all details of your sound. Presswerk doesn’t emulate famous compressors, it blends the warmth of classic hardware models with developments that are only possible in the digital domain.
Presswerk has all the features you expect in a compressor…
Sidechaining: Use ducking to create more space in your mixes, or get creative with keying and pumping effects.
Adjustable compression curve and envelope: Find the best settings, get the most out of your audio using the soft knee, compression ratio, attack and release and other controls.
Loud: Oh yes, Presswerk is more than capable of making your tracks louder.
Soft clip: Roll off those harsh peaks and avoid distortion when output levels get too high.
…plus what we added to enhance Presswerk’s capabilities
6 special views for better workflow: Drum Compressor, Vocal Compressor, M/S Program Compressor, Easy Compressor, Bus Compressor, Limiter (see the screenshots above).
M/S mode: More detailed stereo signal processing
Dual Phase Rotator (DPR): applies a radio broadcaster’s trick to reduce unwanted asymmetries in the signal. It smears phases, increases headroom a little and adds bass ‘oomph’.
Saturation: This is where Presswerk really shines—adding colour and character to your audio. Apply Saturation sparingly for subtle warmth and transient-taming, or crank it up to create tape overdrive-like effects.
Internal parallel compression: The Mix controls let you blend the compressed and uncompressed signals. This helps preserve some of the original, natural dynamics.
Variable detection topologies
Feed-forward is modern and ‘surgical’, it tracks the input very precisely.
Feed-back is ‘musical’, loose-sounding and forgiving—like classic hardware.
Interactive continuously analyzes the signal and blends FF and FB accordingly.
Adjust and store global preferences
New MIDI learn controls