
Macro Commander Pro+ 2.4.1 Multilingual

Windows dsgsd 10浏览 0评论


Macro Commander是一款功能强大的Windows桌面自动化软件,旨在消除重复和复杂的任务。Macro Commander内多合一解决方案使用户能够毫不费力地创建、管理和激活宏和脚本,从而实现手动重复性任务的自动化、快速和无错误。

File Size: 154.8 MB

Macro Commander is all-in-one data entry and desktop automation software. It is designed to empower users to effortlessly create, manage, and activate macros and scripts in order to make manual repetitive tasks automated, fast, and error free. Its clean user interface allows to create and organize macros quickly and easily either manually or using a built-in macro recorder.

While Macro Commander provides strong data entry features to make filling data to other applications fast and easy, it also offers a comprehensive set of 300+ built-in commands that enable you to perform variety of other tasks including: manipulate files, folders, images, text, clipboard, network resources, web pages, natively automate applications such as Word or Excel, and send keystrokes and mouse clicks to any application or web page. In addition, the macros can be integrated with other scripting options such as Power Shell in order to extend its general usability.



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