
Colugo Blockhead v0.44.0 Alpha

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FANTASTiC | Windows | macOS | LiNUX | 16 March 2025 | 81 MB

This new DAW is unlike many others you may have seen on the market – BlockHead is a work-in-progress experimental audio production program intended for music making and sound design. It’s got some unique features, innovative modes of interaction and it records everything you do! Alpha builds of Blockhead are available for Windows, macOS and Linux.

New Feature: “Quick Find”
•Press ENTER to open a search box to search for things.
•Press Ctrl+N to select the next item in the search results and Ctrl+P to select the previous. Or you can use the arrow keys.

You can currently search for
•Named blocks
•Labelled block instances
•Samples currently loaded in the project
•Blink plugins (effects, samplers and synths)
•CLAP plugins (but selecting them doesn’t currently do anything)
•Update: Visual effect when playback scrubbing was changed to be less uncomfortable for photosensitive users (please let me know of anything else like this.)
•Bugfix: Crash when redoing the assignment of a sample to a sampler block which previously had no sample assigned.
•Bugfix: Crash when redoing the creation of a macro from a dragged selection of blocks.
•Bugfix: Possible crash when creating a manipulator from the parameter context menu.
•Bugfix: Feedback loops aren’t detected properly.
•Bugfix: “Error: queue size is beyond reasonable” when triggering many baking operations.
•Bugfix: Visual jittering effect on dragging/stamping blocks while zooming in and out.
•Bugfix: Clicking a browser button while the browser is fully contracted sometimes doesn’t open up the browser.
•Bugfix: Workspace map can’t be hidden.
•Bugfix: CPU load indicator has visual glitches when CPU usage goes above 100%.

Whats new in this version
Update Notes
•Update: The UI for creating new workspace blocks has completely changed and is described to the best of my ability in this video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI3r57Gj_O4
•Update: An error screen should now be displayed if libblockhead fails to load for some reason and will give some platform specific information about why it may have happened, instead of just •crashing/hanging on the main screen as is commonly reported.
•Bugfix: “Focus hovered block” operation is completely broken.
•Bugfix: Playhead does not escape from a loop region when loop is toggled back off on the meta block.
•Bugfix: Undo doesn’t work for hot-switching a block plugin.
•Bugfix: “Plugin info” popup widget appears on Blink effect blocks which have no information to show.
•Bugfix: “Smooth Transitions” cannot be turned back on after being turned off for a block.
•Bugfix: Newly bounced blocks don’t have the correct size.
•Bugfix: Block context menu checkmark lies about whether or not “Smooth Transitions” is enabled.
•Bugfix: Several other subtle issues in the interactions between “Smooth Transitions” and bouncing.
•Bugfix: Visual issues with block selections.

System Requirements
Windows, macOS, and Linux


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