
Return to Krondor v2.0.0.13-DELiGHT

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《叛变克朗多》是由Raymond Feist的幻想三部曲《The Riftwar Saga》这本书所改编的游戏, 它的游戏架构与原著完全一模一样, 无论是世界, 角色, 故事发展等. 这款游戏互动性十分浓厚, 全部共有三部九个章节. 游戏中虽然有多名角色, 但是在任何时间最多只能有三个角色, 而且有时候剧情需要的时候甚至只有两个. 当团队由某一章进入下一章的时候, 其中的角色和游戏目标也会随着小说中的情节发展而有所改变. 玩家可以自由自在的到处闲逛, 做自己想做的事情, 唯一的限制就是要达成目标才能进入下一章. 游戏中的装备采用精美的图形设计, 而不只是单纯的文字. 游戏主画面则是一种3D画面, 你可以在游戏世界中自由徜徉, 观看想看的物品. 至于战斗则是采用回合制, 可以选择角色所要采取的移动或是攻击方式.总之, 叛变克朗多是一款十分杰出的CRPG, 非常适合对此类游戏感兴趣的玩家.

    最令人感动的是, 原公司于游戏发行多年后, 自动将此游戏转变为免费软体, 放在网站上提供爱好此游戏的老玩家下载, 这种措施才是游戏公司与玩家的良性互动.

Description: Return to Krondor is the sequel to Betrayal at Krondor. It is set in Raymond E. Feist’s world of Midkemia, and offers many of the key RPG elements found in the original while simultaneously incorporating new technology.

During the quest, players assume the roles of five main characters, Squire James, a reformed thief; the Keshian sorceress Jazhara; William ConDoin, son of the magician Pug; a roughhewn Warrior-Priest of Ishap named Brother Solon; and Kendaric, the reluctant wizard whose magic is the group’s only hope of victory.

The game is played in a 3D world, and spans 11 different chapters. There are also plenty of items, spells, and equipment for you to choose from.


  • 11 plat twisting chapters; 180 real time, motion captured 3d characters;
  • 60 spells to create and adopt;
  • tactical turn-based rpg combat system;
  • 16-bit color with real-time lighting;
  • original soundtrack by voice of the arts;
  • 3d wrap around sound;
  • smart cursors make control simple;
  • comprehensive alchemy system;
  • over 30 varieties of locks, traps & puzzles.

Publisher: Sierra Studios
Developer: Pyrotechnix
Genre: RPG

Release Name: Return.to.Krondor.v2.0.0.13-DELiGHT
Size: 572.28 MB

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