
Cisco Prime Infrastructure 2.2

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Cisco Prime Infrastructure 2.2

思科网路解决方案为企业和服务提供商提供了有线和802.11无线网路解决方案。 它简化了部署和管理大型有线和无线区域网,使您能够创建一个唯一的最佳的一流的安全基础设施。 操作系统管理所有客户端的数剧,通信和系统管理功能,进行无线资源管理(RRM)功能,管理使用操作系统的安全解决方案的系统范围内的流动性政策,并协调所有的安全功能,使用该操作系统的安全框架。 思科网路解决方案包括思科可管理交换机,思科统一无线网路控制器(以下简称控制器),及其相关的轻型无线AP由操作系统控制,同时管理的任何或全部下列作业系统的用户界面:
素基础设施可用于配置和监控一个或多个控制器和相关的无线AP。 Prime Infrastructure,以方便大型系统的监测和控制的工​​具。 它运行在预定义的物理设备和特定的虚拟部署。
行业标准的SNMP V1,V2C,V3接口,可以使用任何兼容SNMP的第三方网路管理系统。
思科统一网路解决方案支持客户数据服务,客户端的监测和控制,所有检测恶意无线AP,监控,遏制功能。 它使用轻型无线AP,控制器和可选的Prime Infrastructure提供无线服务的企业和服务提供商的基础设施。

关于Prime Infrastructure

Prime Infrastructure,使您能够配置和监控一个或多个控制器,交换机和相关的无线AP。 Prime Infrastructure包括相同的配置,性能监控,安全,故障管理,并在控制器级别的会计使用的选项,并增加了多个控制器和无线AP的图形视图。 在Linux上, Prime Infrastructure作为一种服务持续运行,重新启用后可恢复运行。 思科Prime Infrastructure用户界面需要Mozilla Firefox的11.0或12.0或Internet Explorer 8或9与Chrome插件版本或Google Chrome 19.0。 不推荐使用Internet Explorer小于8版本。 运行浏览器的客户端必须至少有1 GB的RAM和2 GHz处理器。 客户端设备不应该在运行任何CPU或内存密集型应用。
Prime Infrastructure简化控制器的配置和监控,减少数据输入错误。 Prime Infrastructure使用行业标准的SNMP协议与控制器进行通信。
Prime Infrastructure还包括平面图编辑器,它让你可做到以下几点:


思科统一网路解决方案确保您的企业实现了最高级别的网路安全性和多功能性。 思科统一网路解决方案使您的网路有能力提供安全的无线网路,无论是在你的办公室,流动性增加或办公楼之间的桥接。 介绍了思科统一网路解决方案,并在不同的网路组件包含以下主题:
思科Prime Infrastructure

思科Prime Infrastructure

Prime Infrastructure,网路管理员可拥有单一RF预测,策略配置,网路优化,故障排除,用户跟踪,安全监控,以及有线和无线局域网系统管理解决方案。 强大的图型化界面使有线和无线局域网的部属和操作简单和成本效益。 详细的趋势和分析报告,使Prime Infrastructure持续为网路提供重要的运营。


WLAN控制器是高度可扩展和灵活的平台,使全系统的关键任务的无线服务中大型企业和园区环境。 专为802.11n的性能和最高的可扩展性,WLAN控制器提供增强的正常运行时间5000无线AP可以同时管理250个无线AP的能力,优越的性能,可靠的视频流和收费质量的语音和提高故障恢复一致的移动体谅在最苛刻的环境。
Prime Infrastructure支持Cisco无线控制器,可帮助简化网路部署,运营和管理,思科统一通信降低整体营运开支。 以下无线局域网控制器支援在Prime Infrastructure:
思科无线服务模块(WiSM模块),Cisco Catalyst 6500系列交换机
思科无线服务模块2(WiSM2)Cisco Catalyst 6500系列交换机
思科Flex 7500系列无线控制器
思科Flex 8500系列无线控制器

Cisco Prime Infrastructure 2.2

English | iso | 6.57 GB


Simplified Management from Branch to Data Center
Cisco Prime Infrastructure simplifies the management of wireless and wired networks. It offers Day 0 and 1 provisioning, as well as Day N assurance from the branch to the data center. We call it One Management. With this single view and point of control, you can reap the benefits of One Management across both network and compute.

Features and Capabilities
Cisco Prime Infrastructure has what you need to simplify and automate management tasks while taking advantage of the intelligence of your Cisco networks. Product features and capabilities help you:

Realize One Management
This single, unified solution provides wired and wireless lifecycle management, and application visibility and control. It also offers policy monitoring and troubleshooting with the Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) and location-based tracking of mobility devices with the Cisco Mobility Services Engine (MSE). You can manage the network, devices, applications, and users – all from one place.

Consolidate Products
Consolidate management products and reduce the number of tools required to manage the network. Managing your network using Cisco Prime Infrastructure gives you greater visibility and control, with faster deployment and troubleshooting. You can spend more time transforming your business through innovation and differentiation.

Manage the Network for Mobile Collaboration
Cisco Prime Infrastructure offers support for 802.11ac, correlated wired-wireless client visibility, spatial maps, Radio Frequency prediction tools, and much more. Simplify the management of the wireless infrastructure while solving problems faster and with fewer resources.

Simplify Intelligent WAN Management
Take management simplicity to the next level. Cisco Prime Infrastructure offers new, guided workflows for the Intelligent WAN and Converged Access, based on Cisco best practices. These workflows make new branch rollouts easy and fast, from setting up devices and services to automatically managing and monitoring them.

Extend Management to the Data Center
Cisco Prime Infrastructure offers fault, configuration, accounting, performance, and security (FCAPS) management with 360-degree views of Cisco Unified Computing System Series B Blade Servers and Series C Rack Servers and Cisco Nexus switches, including the Application-Centric Infrastructure–ready Cisco Nexus 9000 Series Switches. Your data center is critical to service assurance. Manage it effectively with Cisco Prime Infrastructure.

Speed Time to Value with Device and Technology Packs
Device Packs offer ongoing support of new Cisco devices and software releases. It provides parity within each device family, eliminating gaps in management operations, especially when it comes to service availability and troubleshooting. Technology Packs deliver new features between releases, accelerating time to value for high-demand functionality.

Scale Bigger
Large or global organizations often distribute network management by domain, region, or country. Cisco Prime Infrastructure Operations Center lets you visualize up to 10 Cisco Prime Infrastructure instances, scaling your management infrastructure while maintaining central visibility and control.

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Cisco Prime Infrastructure 2.2Cisco Prime Infrastructure 2.2
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