
Lords of the Realm 3 v2.0.0.7-DELiGHT

Games/游戏 dsgsd 247浏览 0评论

曾制作过恺撒、埃及法老、宙斯等城市建设游戏的开发商Impressions正在开发背景设定在中世纪的王国建设游戏中世纪领主III(Lords of the Realm III)。游戏混合了策略管理、实时战斗、城堡围攻等元素。游戏故事发生在公元850年到1350年的欧洲,提供了逼真的城堡设计,场景包括英国、德国、法国、诺曼、丹麦等。玩家扮演中世纪领主,扩大自己的影响,最终成为国王。玩家可使用政治、外交、军事手段迫使其他贵族臣服。


Lords of the Realm III is a computer strategy game of medieval conquest. As one of the great lords of the age, you raise companies of knights and commoners, found towns and cities, hire mercenaries, build castles to protect your lands and lead armies to victory over your foes. Your goal is to protect your territories and take over your neighbors, rising from petty noble to a great lord or even king. Your playing field isn?t just some abstract map, it is the real world. Invade England, conquer Scotland, sack Paris, or build a castle in Flanders. You must manage an empire in real-time ? assign vassals to fiefs, sponsor cathedrals, curry favor with the Church, stockpile supplies, hire artisans, and most important of all build castles to defend your estates. Your land is the backbone of your resources, the source of the men and money you need to win. Neglect them at your peril!


  • Strategy game of medieval conquest
  • Manage an empire in real-time
  • Three in-depth levels of play
  • Advanced 3-D engine renders impeccable battle scenes
  • For 1 to 8 players using LAN or Internet connection

Publisher: Impressions Games
Developer: Impressions Games
Genre: Real-Time Strategy

Release name: Lords.of.the.Realm.3.v2.0.0.7-DELiGHT
Size: 543MB

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