ProNest 是一款业界领先的 CAD/CAM 套料软件,适合高级机用切割应用。该软件能够以单一的解决方案满足您全部的轮廓切割需求,包括等离子切割、激光切割、水刀切割和火焰切割。该软件专门设计用于帮助金属结构加工商和制造商节省更多材料,显著提升生产效率,降低运行成本,同时提升零件质量。
为何选择 ProNest?
在将切割专家工艺自动嵌入到 NC(数控)代码方面,ProNest 做得比其他任何软件更为出色。凭借多年研发经验的积淀,无论是何种类型、厚度或等级的材料,ProNest 都能提供最佳的参数设定,包括引线、间距、割缝、进给速率和切割技术。
ProNest 由海宝的切割专家为您倾情打造。让您可以享受到各种突破性的技术,其中包括无需操作工的干预,即可自动执行的 True Hole® 精细圆孔和 Rapid Part™ 零件快速切割技术,还有能够大幅缩短坡口切割设置时间的 True Bevel™技术。
用户一致认同:ProNest 极易学习和使用,与其他高级套料产品相比较时,这一点尤为突出。我们的软件采用统一而直观的界面,用户无需在不同的程序之间来回切换,即可完成作业。您的团队可以更快地上手操作,能够以更少的步骤完成作业。
ProNest 2012 version 10.2.3 | 789.0 mb
Hypertherm, a corporation which designs and manufactures advanced cutting systems such as plasma cutting machinery and related high-technology industrial applications for specific use in a wide variety of industries such as shipbuilding, manufacturing, and automotive repair, has released new maintenance update (ProNest 2012 v10.2.3) – an industry leading CAD/CAM nesting software for advanced mechanized cutting.
It provides a single solution for all of your profile cutting needs, including plasma, laser, waterjet, and oxyfuel. It is specifically designed to help fabricators and manufacturers increase material savings, boost productivity, lower operating costs, and improve part quality.
ProNest 2012 version 10.2.3 includes powerful new features and enhancements that improve the quality and efficiency of your output, while greatly simplifying the user interface.
What’s new in ProNest 2012 version 10.2 http://downloads.hyperthermcam.com/Whats_New_ProNest_v10_2.pdf
About Hypertherm
Hypertherm designs and manufactures advanced cutting systems for use in a variety of industries such as shipbuilding, manufacturing, and automotive repair. Hypertherm systems are trusted for fast, precision metal cutting and reliability that results in increased productivity and profitability for tens of thousands of businesses worldwide.
Name: ProNest 2012
Version: (64bit) 10.2.3
Home: www.hyperthermcam.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7even / 8
Size: 789.0 mb
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