NuSphere PHPEd 是一款由长期从事 PHP 开发的 NUSPHERE 公司推出的 PHP 综合开发环境。在同类软件中,PHPED 的综合性能是最好的,启动速度很快,提供的功能也是最多的,包括语法加亮、函数补全、工程管理、代码模版、自动代码补全、可视化的数据库管理、内置 DAV、CVS、FTP、WEBSERVER、DEBUGGER,以及 JS 代码列表,常见 HTML 标签集,另外PHPED 还支持插件技术。
值得一提的是 NuSphere PHPEd 的调试功能,虽然 ZDE 有它所有的调试功能,但是 NuSphere PHPEd 更方便,比如调试时将鼠标放在变量上就可以直接看到变量的值,而且调试窗口的分布较细致和合理,而且支持外部脚本调试,ZED 虽然也能实现,但设置起来比较麻烦一点。
但 NuSphere PHPEd 的缺点是它对中文的支持很差,甚至选取时都会显示不正常。另外要提醒的是,调试时变量值中文显示可以通过在 DEBUGGER 里面的设置,将语言改成 GB 就可以了,否则含有中文的变量值是不能正常显示。
NuSphere PhpED Professional 14.0 Build 14029 | 215 MB
PhpED is the Integrated Development Environment for PHP (PHP IDE), HTML, CSS, XML, SMARTY, XHTML and other. Balanced combination of advanced code editor, reliable dbg debugger, productive database connectivity client and fast and secure deployment abilities make PhpED a complete solution for most sophisticated developer needs.
Code creation with our PHP IDE got a lot easier with the new PhpED 15.0 editing features. With PhpED’s new highlighting abilities you can now navigate through your code easily and save the precious developing time. PHP Code Folding sets NuSphere PHP IDE apart from all others.
Powerful PHP Debugger is one of the best features in PhpED. Debug your code locally or remotely.
Introduced by NuSphere, PHP Profiler helps you find and eliminate all the bottlenecks in the code.
Secure, fast and flexible publishing of your PHP scripts to a remote server right from PHP IDE. All major protocols such as FTP, FTPS, SSH/SFTP, and WebDAV are supported.
New extensibility scope allows to integrate PhpED with 3rd party tools like php encoders, formatters or html validators. Pre-configured tools already include php documentor, html tidy, cvs client and html validator.
Major Features
Striving to meet the growing customer needs, NuSphere enhanced PhpED with features customers actually asked for!
Home Page – http://www.nusphere.com/
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