
Altair HyperXtrude v2015.1 x64

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Altair HyperXtrude


目前,挤压企业需要在更短的时间里生产更加复杂的型材,而同时还需要降低生产成本。Altair HyperXtrude®正是一款为了帮助这些企业而设计的仿真工具,用于分析和验证挤压模具设计和挤压工艺。


• 特定的图形用户界面,引导用户进行挤压仿真模型的准备和分析。

• 具备分析金属、聚合物、黏土和陶瓷挤压过程的能力。

• 内置的模具变形分析模块允许设计人员计算模具的变形和模具内的应力。

• 能够分析两种或更多材料的混合挤压。

• 与Altair HyperStudy®无缝集成,实现对模具工作带、分流孔和焊合腔形状的优化。

作为一款基于物理的先进挤压求解器,HyperXtrude 2015 有别于以往版本的一个亮点是它拥有全新的直观界面。HyperXtrude 2015 可以在不牺牲精确度和网格质量的情况下自动执行模型构建过程中的各个常规步骤,同时,模具设计师只要花很短的时间就可以学会如何使用这款软件或者如何用它来建模,从而轻松完成仿真操作。分析设置可直接在 CAD 模型中进行,与此同时,网格和复杂细节可以隐藏在背景中。如此一来,用户即使不具备有限元分析的背景知识,也可以使用这款工具对模具设计进行验证和优化。例如,使用以往的软件工具,技术专家可能需要耗费二到四个小时才能完成对模型的网格划分,而采用 HyperXtrude 2015,只需 15 分钟即可完成前处理操作。

“HyperXtrude 2015 向前迈进了一大步,让车间工程师可以真正地接触和使用CAE工具,”Altair 开发总监 Mahender Reddy 表示。“我们的新一代框架大大提高了易用性,用户可以在非常简便易用的 CAD 式环境中进行模型设置。它在工程师、分析师和制造专家之间架起了一座桥梁,使各个部门之间实现更加无缝化的沟通。”

将CAE 用于挤压制品行业是近年来较为流行的一种趋势。随着汽车和航空航天行业越来越倾向于使用铝制挤压型材和合金挤压型材,CAE 的使用开始成为一项保证品质的重要优势。设计师不仅要确保挤压零件具备适当的强度特征,还要保证做到零缺陷或零瑕疵。

“CAE 工具让我们在设计过程中更有信心,”在 Thumb Tool and Engineering 公司(Gemini 集团子公司)负责研发工作的 Jeff Skinner 表示。“在挤压材料时,我们必须在达到结构要求的同时避免出现瑕疵。我们的产品需要接受非常严格的最终质量检测,HyperXtrude 每次都能帮我们达到这样高的质量标准。”

HyperXtrude 2015 支持稳态金属挤压分析,同时包括实心和空心型材分析、直接和间接挤压分析以及单孔和多孔模具分析。用户还可以对所导入的CAD 模型进行适当地定向和定位。流体积创建功能支持在模具实体单元中创建流体积(负体积)。用户只需单击鼠标即可从模组中提取流体积。HyperXtrude 2015 还具有草图绘制功能,用户可利用其中的工具从零创建点、线、面、实体单元和其他几何形状。

功能强大的“简化/修补”(Simplify/Patch) 工具是 HyperXtrude 2015 最实用的功能之一,借助这一功能,用户可以先对模型几何中的问题区域进行清理,然后再运行分析。这些工具能够移除压印、圆和圆角。用户还可使用这些工具来安插孔和槽或者创建补丁和接片。该版本还提供用于测量、质量计算的工具。

Altair HyperXtrude 2015.x | 509.2 mb

Altair Engineering, the leading provider of high-end, open CAE software solutions for modeling, visualization, optimization and process automation, announced the release of Altair HyperXtrude 2015, is a solution adaptive hp-finite element analysis program for modeling complex fluid flow and heat transfer problems encountered in polymer and metal processing. HyperXtrude is specifically developed to address the needs of polymer and metal extrusion process/product design engineers.

HyperXtrude simulates material flow and heat transfer by solving the Eulerian/Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian form of the governing equations. HyperXtrude uses residual error estimates and local error indicators to identify the flow domain contributing disproportionate shares of error in the real solution. Using the error information, the mesh in these critical regions can be redefined by either refining the elements (h-refinement) and/or enriching the interpolation order (p-enrichment). HyperXtrude uses a combination of these to provide a near optimal hp-finite element mesh to produce accurate results. The resulting adapted meshes are fully unstructured and anisotropic. HyperXtrude is built on the hp-adaptive finite element kernel ProPHLEX. This kernel provides a high level of modularity and modeling flexibility for creating highly customized niche applications for engineering design analysis. HyperXtrude can be customized for specific user needs.

One of the key benefits in using the adaptive solution algorithm in HyperXtrude is improved engineering productivity by removing the guesswork inherent with mesh generation. This in turn enables the engineers to solve complex problems more efficiently and accurately than possible by conventional fixed grid techniques.

The current release of HyperXtrude focuses on modeling incompressible fluid flow and heat transfer problems related to manufacturing processes such as extrusion, polymer melt flow, etc.. The solution algorithm is capable of modeling both low and high Reynolds number (Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid) flows. Both isothermal and non-isothermal flows can be modeled using HyperXtrude. The non-isothermal feature also allows the user to solve conjugate heat transfer problems.

Altair HyperXtrude 2015.120

About Altair

Altair empowers client innovation and decision-making through technology that optimizes the analysis, management and visualization of business and engineering information. Privately held with more than 1,800 employees, Altair has offices throughout North America, South America, Europe and Asia/Pacific. With a 27-year-plus track record for high-end software and consulting services for engineering, computing and enterprise analytics, Altair consistently delivers a competitive advantage to customers in a broad range of industries. Altair has more than 3,000 corporate clients representing the automotive, aerospace, government and defense, and consumer products verticals. Altair also has a growing client presence in the electronics, architecture engineering and construction, and energy markets.

Name: Altair HyperXtrude
Version: (64bit) 2015 Build 120
Home: http://www.tx.altair.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7even / 8 / 8.1
Size: 409.2 mb

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