
NI AWR Design Environment 12.01

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NI (原名AWR Corporation)最新发布了NI AWR Design Environment 的V12版本,其中的Analyst 三维有限元(FEM)电磁仿真引擎的功能增强,将比上一个版本节省多达百分之七十的时间。V12版本升级主要更新了Analyst,其中包括对自适应网格加密(AMR)和快速频率扫描的演算法重组与增强。尤其在高端口数的设计(10个以上的端口),Analyst对速度的提升更明显易见。

NI AWR Design Environment 12.01 | 337.5 mb

NI (formerly AWR Corporation) has released 12.0 version of NI AWR Design Environment high-frequency software, includes upgrades, updates and enhancements to Microwave Office, Analog Office, Visual System Simulator, AXIEM and Analyst software products.

V12 New Feature Highlights Include:

NI AWR Design Environment (Microwave Office and Analog Office)
– View measured data and design matching networks using swept load pull files
– APLAC tuning and optimization speed enhancement
– Improved simulation controls
Advanced measurement editor
Measurements on user defined groups of schematics or system diagrams
– Schematic editing, layout viewing and layout editing improvements
– Sticky notes for schematics, system diagrams and graphs
– AWR Connected – STAN for nonlinear stability analysis
– AWR Connected – DWT for enhanced DRC/LVS functionality
– AWR Connected – HFSS for interconnect characterization
Analyst and AXIEM 3D EM Simulation
– Easier 3D EM setup
Automatically create 3D EM documents using Extraction flow
Annotations track down 3D EM setup issues
– Improved 3D editor experience; geometry cleanup and STEP import for Analyst
– Anisotropic dielectric materials supported within AXIEM
– Faster and more accurate simulation results
Frequency sweep algorithm improvements
Meshing options/refinements enhances
Remote simulation
– Visualize impact of circuits on antenna patterns
Visual System Simulator Environment
– Enhanced phased array block
– Use real antenna data in system analysis
– Simplified Microwave Office consistent VSS sources
– Bidirectional blocks which simplify managing both transmit and receive systems
– RF models auto-configuration option
Phased array block
WLAN 802.11ac library
Enhanced radar library
RF block temperature dependency
PID (proportional-integral-derivative) controller
NI AWR Design Environment 12.01

About NI AWR Software

The NI AWR Design Environment software portfolio includes RF/microwave electronic design automation (EDA) tools such as Visual System Simulator for system design, Microwave Office/Analog Office for microwave/RF circuit design, and AXIEM and Analyst for electromagnetic analysis. NI AWR software tools help design engineers to dramatically reduce development time and cost for components, circuits, systems and subsystems employed in wireless, high-speed wired, broadband, aerospace and defense, and electro-optical applications.

About National Instruments

Since 1976, NI has made it possible for engineers and scientists to solve the world’s greatest engineering challenges with powerful, flexible technology solutions that accelerate productivity and drive rapid innovation. Customers from a wide variety of industries–from healthcare to automotive and from consumer electronics to particle physics–use NI’s integrated hardware and software platform to improve the world we live in.

Name: NI AWR Design Environment
Version: (64bit) 12.0r build 7580 Rev1 (94437)
Home: http://www.awrcorp.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows 7even / 8
Size: 337.5 mb

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