
Ashampoo Backup 2016 10.01 Multilingual

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Ashampoo Backup 2016 10.0Ashampoo Backup 2016 10.0

如果您曾经遇到过 Windows 无法启动然后你坐无电脑前一筹莫展,您就会知道备份的价值。并且它可以安全的保护您的重要数据!只需点击几下就能备份好整个磁盘分区,如果系统无法启动就可以还原系统 – 这就是 Ashampoo® Backup 2016 的价值所在。此程序经过了特别的设计,非常适应执行繁重的任务,这意味着不会干扰用户或拖慢系统。它简单、高效而又安全!


Ashampoo® Backup 2016 可以满足一切创建和还原备份的需求。只需简单的选择一个磁盘分区、目标位置和时间,就完事了!之后,Ashampoo® Backup 2016 会自动在后台安全的备份你的文件。无需专业技术知识,花最少的精力实现最安全的保护。


还原备份跟创建备份一样简单。可以使用 Ashampoo® Backup 2016 还原文件,如果整个系统都无法打开,也可以使用紧急恢复光盘 / U 盘来快速安全的还原数据。您也可以通过 Windows 资源管理器查看和还原单个文件。没有比这更简单的了吧!


其先进的增量备份技术,让您可以随时保持备份最新,且占用的的硬盘空间与传统的完整备份相比仅需 50%。而且还支持超过 2TB 的超大硬盘,创建大备份更加容易。在备份过程中,所有数据都会进行验,以保证在进行复杂备份时没有错误。


好的备份工具不应该对您日常使用电脑产生影响。这就是为什么 Ashampoo® Backup 2016 会在电脑重度使用时自动暂停,你几乎不会意识到它在工作。

  • 全自动数据备份
  • 轻松备份和还原任何文件
  • 备份和还原整个操作系统
  • 安全加密,保护您的隐私
  • 友好、清晰的界面
  • 高压缩率,节省大量空间
  • 操作直观,无需专业知识
  • 在程序或 Windows 资源管理器中轻松还原数据
  • 急救光盘,系统挂了都没问题
  • 决不拖慢系统,电脑有任务时自动暂停备份

Ashampoo Backup 2016 10.x Multilingual | 48.6 MB

If you ever sat in front of a black screen because your Windows refused to start, you know the value of backups. And it’s so easy to keep your data safe! Backup entire disk partitions in just a few clicks and restore your files even in the event of a total system failure – that’s what Ashampoo® Backup 2016 is all about. This application was specifically designed to do the heavy lifting for you, that means safety without the need for constant user interaction or system slowdown. It’s simple, it’s fast and it’s safe!

A good backup solution should not interfere with your daily PC work. That is why Ashampoo® Backup 2016 pauses automatically whenever your PC is heavily used but even if it doesn’t you will barely notice it.

Fully automated data backups
Backup and restore any file with ease
Backup and restore entire operating systems
Secure encryption to protect your privacy
User-friendly and self-explanatory
Huge space savings through maximum compression
Self-explanatory, no technical knowledge required
Easy data recovery through program or Windows Explorer
Rescue disc against total system failure
No computer slow downs, backups will pause automatically when needed

OS : Windows® XP, Windows Vista®, Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows® 10
Language : Multilingual

Home Pagehttp://www.ashampoo.com

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