
Voodoo Vince Remastered-RELOADED

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喜欢解密冒险类游戏的玩家一定不会对《巫毒大冒险》这款经典之作陌生,这部由Beep工作室开发的诡异解谜冒险游戏曾辉煌一时,备受玩家瞩目。微软宣布复刻《巫毒大冒险》,于2017年初正式发售,登陆Windows 10 PC。

he classic character platformer is back after 13 years and newly remastered! Help Vince run, jump and fight his way through cemeteries, swamps and an evil carnival as he seeks to save his creator Madam Charmaine from the clutches of Kosmo The Inscrutable.


• Voodoo combat action: Players can employ more than 30 voodoo attacks that do outrageous things to Vince, but it’s the monsters who end up hurting! Unlike in other games, players must actually USE dangers and hazards, instead of running from them. Falling safes, prickly pushpins, and bolts of lightning bring a whole new meaning to the phrase “no pain, no gain.”

• Magical voodoo world: Thrust into the depths of a twisted and dangerous world, Vince must trek through 30 detailed levels, including crawfish-laden swamps, a graveyard filled with imps and lost zombies, a fantastic French Quarter, and a network of boggy sewers.

• Vehicles and minigames: As the game unfolds, Vince must master and pilot a number of vehicles, including a fanboat, a submarine, an airplane—and even a rat gives him a lift at one point. Vince must master one mind-bending minigame after another to complete his quest.

• Dynamic cast of characters: No adventure would be complete without its host of surly characters. Offbeat creatures with all the charm of New Orleans are around every corner. Vince encounters everything from Ginger Dead Men (who are not exactly sugar-coated) to a pair of intoxicated gas pumps that offer up a fiery challenge.

Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: Beep Games, Inc.
Publisher: Beep Games, Inc.

Release name: Voodoo.Vince.Remastered-RELOADED
Size 1.85GB
Links: SteamNFO

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