
Outlast 2-CODEX

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《逃生2(Outlast 2)》是Red Barrels制作发行的一款恐怖动作冒险游戏。带领玩家走进黑暗荒废区域,第一人称角度录拍让人感觉身边隐藏着无数危险,玩家将历经饱受折磨的旅程了解心灵深处最隐晦的秘密。除游戏本身的时长和容量之外,制作商Red Barrels还表示新作将采用全新设定,场景非精神病院。《逃生2》剧情会是《逃生》的后续。《逃生2》中将加入新的配角,初代游戏和续作的故事之间还有一些未发表的紧密联系,相同的世界观会让玩家玩起来更有传承感。

Description: Outlast 2 is the sequel to the acclaimed survival horror game Outlast. Set in the same universe as the first game, but with different characters and a different setting, Outlast 2 is a twisted new journey into the depths of the human mind and its dark secrets.

Outlast 2 introduces you to Sullivan Knoth and his followers, who left our wicked world behind to give birth to Temple Gate, a town, deep in the wilderness and hidden from civilization. Knoth and his flock are preparing for the tribulations of the end of times and you’re right in the thick of it.

You are Blake Langermann, a cameraman working with your wife, Lynn. The two of you are investigative journalists willing to take risks and dig deep to uncover the stories no one else will dare touch.

You’re following a trail of clues that started with the seemingly impossible murder of a pregnant woman known only as Jane Doe.
The investigation has lead you miles into the Arizona desert, to a darkness so deep that no one could shed light upon it, and a corruption so profound that going mad may be the only sane thing to do.

Publisher: Red Barrels
Developer: Red Barrels
Genre: Sexual Content, Nudity, Violent, Gore, Action, Adventure, Indie
Release name: Outlast.2-CODEX

Size: 23.77 GB
Links: SteamNTiNFO

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