AKVIS OilPaint提供了一个令人难以置信的算法用于创建油画的照片。
AKVIS OilPaint 2.0.233M Multilingual for Adobe Photoshop | 172 Mb
AKVIS OilPaint – a program that includes a variety of plug- and photo editors that creates pictures of the painting in the style of oil painting. Its unique feature is a new algorithm for applying strokes , the most authentically reproducing the technique of painting with a brush.
Create a picture via oil paints – a complex and lengthy process . Usually one picture out half or two months . You can become an artist himself , and turn photos into paintings in just a few minutes.
Oil painting – one of the most popular techniques its history goes back several centuries. Most often in oils on linen or write cotton canvas. Oil painting features bright colors , strokes plasticity , depth and brilliance of color transitions , as well as natural and natural scenic images . Oil painting technique used to create works in a variety of styles ( impressionism , abstract , photorealism , etc.), in the genres of still life, landscape , portrait , historical, home painting .
Oil painting techniques varied. The program diversity techniques handed a wide range of presets, allowing to simulate different ways of applying paint . Picking density, texture and thickness of strokes , not only to emphasize the volume and achieve impressive effects, but also invent your own style of drawing.
Convert your photos into oil painting happens before your eyes. The program has the ability to add text (author’s signature , birthday or other label ) , give the image an additional volume and realism using texture mapping.
In version 2.0:
Significantly accelerated image processing . The program works much faster!
Added Oil Brush , which helps enhance the effect of oil painting on selected areas . With the tool can be applied to realistic textured strokes result of converting photos into paintings.
Added Brush return , allowing smooth effect and restore the changed parts . This unique tool is able to operate in two modes : to return the image to its original state and / or edit brushes postprocessing work , saving the result of automatic conversion.
Improved texture generation . Now when the canvas is not lost changes made with brushes post-processing , texture is applied in accordance with their actions.
Rearranged the buttons on the Control Panel. Teams load / save now divided into two lists .
– The intensity of the strokes in the parameter ;
– In the crop tool ;
– When processing a sub-picture on a transparent background ;
– Using actions Photoshop plugin ;
– Incorrect display viewport presets.
AKVIS OilPaint presented as a plugin to image editors (plugin) and as a separate , independent program (standalone), which does not require the presence of photo editors . The plugin is compatible with all popular photo editors : Adobe Photoshop, Corel PaintShop Photo Pro , and others.
Operating system: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, 32/64 bit
Medicine: Retrial + RTKF v. (reset the trial period to use the program)
Home Page – http://www.akvis.com
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转载请注明:0daytown » AKVIS OilPaint 2.0.233M Multilingual for Adobe Photoshop