
World War II Time Of Wrath v1.91-FAS

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《World War 2 : Time of Wrath》由Wastelands Interactive负责开发,是《WW2: Road to Victory》的续作。Matrix Games将为《WW2: Road to Victory》的消费者免费提供《World War 2 : Time of Wrath》。 《World War 2 : Time of Wrath》含有常规的建造、训练、升级系统,而兵种从航空兵到装甲师甚至到核武器工兵都有涉及,游戏中会出现当年的很多政治、军事领导人,以及上百个历史事件,比如苏德签订《苏德互不侵犯条约》、1941年美国通过援助英法等盟国的租界法案等等,可以说为你真实讲述了一堂二战历史课。

 Description: Time of Wrath gives a fine piece of wargaming for every fan of WW2 era. This strategy allows players to take control over any country during World War 2 era in Europe and North Africa theater. It was designed in a way which allow players who are new to the genre to quickly familiarize with the rules and to start battles with veterans who still remember great classic strategy titles. Easy rules, deep historical setting and detailed OOB, together with great moddability potential will allow for hundreds of hours of gameplay as any nation or even whole alliance.

Developer: Wastelands Interactive
Publisher: Wastelands Interactive
Genre: Strategy
Release name: World_War_II_Time_Of_Wrath_v1.91-FAS
Size: 283MB
Links: HomepageNFO 

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