
Luftrausers v1.0.0.1-FAS

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这款由制作了《奇葩钓鱼》和《超级包装箱》的工作室制作的横版空战游戏将于3月18日登陆PC,PS3和PS Vita。

在游戏中玩家将控制一架飞机来做出各种特技动作,参与空袭来摧毁成百上千的敌军飞机和战舰。游戏是由Devolover Digital发行的。

去年,Vlambeer的创始人之一Rami Ismail表示他们同索尼之间的关系是最终决定在PSN上发行《Luftrausers》的主要原因。



The skies will be set aflame and the seas will overflow with wreckage in Vlambeer’s stylish arcade shooter LUFTRAUSERS! Select from over 125 combinations of weapons, bodies, and propulsion systems and take to the skies to battle enemy fighter planes, battleships, submarines, and rival aces for glory, honor, and high scores. Bravely volunteer for one of over 100 daring missions to unlock new Rauser combinations and vibrant color variations and become the most legendary Rauser pilot of all time!


  • Bold Aerial Combat – White-knuckle battles against a crimson and cream sky harken back to the pure arcade shooters of the past with tight gameplay, ridiculous combos, and challenges that can only be mastered by the most elite rauser pilots in the world.
  • Customizable Rausers – Unlock unique weapons, plane bodies, and propulsion systems to radically alter your fighter in over 125 deadly combinations. Each daring configuration not only radically alters how your rauser handles and attacks but also rearranges the dynamic soundtrack crafted by KOZILEK.
  • Daring Missions – Make your fellow airmen proud as you tackle over 100 challenging missions from your commanding officers and face off against rival aces in a dogfight to the death.
  • Glorious Achievements – You know, a little something to brag about on shore leave.

Publisher: Devolver Digital
Developer: Vlambeer
Genre: Action, Indie, Simulation

Release name: Luftrausers_v1.0.0.1-FAS
Size: 58.112 MB
LinksHomepage – Steam – NTINFO

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