
Genarts Sapphire 7.06 for After effects 蓝宝石插件

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这是大名鼎鼎的AE外置插件蓝宝石 GenArts Sapphire !蓝宝石就一个字快,渲染快 预览快!V6版本的新功能包括可定制的镜头光晕编辑器, 新视觉预设浏览器以及所有Genarts官网出品的Sapphire预设。

用于Adobe After Effects中的蓝宝石插件,也为Adobe Premiere Pro中和Autodesk Combustion。蓝宝石插件配备了数字艺术家的集合超过240个国家的最先进的图像处理和合成特效,如:发 光,EdgeRays,LensFlare,闪电,FilmEffect,扭曲和纹理等..无缝集成到一些编辑与合成系统的影响。蓝宝石插件已经成为高端的视觉效果制作的行业标准,提供无与伦比的图像质量,独特的有机的外观,和易用性。他们已经广泛使用在一个电视节目,音乐影片和故 事片,包括数组:盗加勒比1,2和3,蜘蛛侠1,2和3,“超人归来”,纳尼亚传奇:狮子,女巫和魔衣橱“,”指环王“三部曲,”星球大战 – 情节I,II和III,罪恶之城,“黑客帝国”三部曲,X战警1,2和3,泰坦尼克号“,失落和CSI等..

蓝宝石增加您的生产力,输出质量和竞争能力。平台无关的,所以你可以利用你的工作,不影响一致性或的外观质量的情况下不同的视频编辑和其他合成软件或艺术 家,蓝宝石为您节省宝贵的时间和金钱。探索卓越的图像质量,控制,渲染速度相比,After Effects中包含的其他插件或许多效应和影响观者参与。蓝宝石的发光EdgeRays,LensFlare,闪电,FilmEffect,扭曲,和纹 理都只是几个例子,使您能够创建复杂和令人惊叹的的,看起来还没有完全有机,在行业中的广度和深度超过240个的视觉效果所无法比拟的,随着由蓝宝石提供 After Effects中使用的速度和易用性,不仅节省时间工艺每一件工作,完全按照你想让它也提供了创造性的影响,吸引观众和提供优异的业绩。

Genarts Sapphire 7.x for After effects CC | 91 MB

GenArts Inc., the global leader in specialized visual effects software, released Sapphire 7. This new release provides users with greater control, increased speed, and an expanding arsenal of effects; empowering users to create higher quality effects in less time.

What’s New in 7.03:

Flare Designer: fixed long pauses when removing many elements.
Flare Designer: fixed several minor UI glitches.
PresetBrowser: Improved handling when the preset browser can’t write to the cache.
PresetBrowser: Fixed the count indicating how many presets are in each category.
Sapphire plug-ins now display a dialog in the host while communicating with the Preset Browser or Flare Editor. Canceling the host dialog will close the larger window in case it becomes invisible or otherwise unusable.
Preset Browser now starts up faster and is interactive while rendering the preset thumbnails.
LensFlare: improved rendering speed of many flares and fixed some minor artifacts.

only fix is setup for CC VERSION, has been fixed red and black screen, for normal hard drive, u can copy & past the folder from “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore\Sapphire Plug-ins to cs5, cs5.5, cs6 after u running the fix

Genarts Sapphire 7.06 for After effects

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