
Angry Birds Star Wars v1.4.1 iPhone iPod Touch iPad -DVT

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兼容性: 需要 iOS 4.3 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已针对 iPhone 5 进行优化。

快来加入ANGRY BIRDS史上最强冒险!


从一个秘密基地发起起义的反叛小鸟赢得对抗邪恶胖猪的第一场胜利。在战斗中,反叛间谍窃取了胖猪帝国的终极武器计划,PIG STAR(坏猪死星),并竞相推出Rebel Birds(反叛鸟)计划。现在他们需要你的帮助!

加入Angry Birds传说中的Star Wars™(星球大战)最强冒险!乘着胖猪军队从Tatooine(塔图因)的沙漠深处到胖猪死星的银河之旅时,用力挥动光影弹弓把胖猪军队炸飞 – 但是切记!你会面对可怕的Darth Vader(达斯维达),胖猪军队的黑武士!你能成为绝地武士大师并给星系带来和平吗?

现在就抓起你的 lightsaber(光影剑)加入冒险吧!愿原力与鸟同在!

数小时引人入胜的游戏 – 超过80级的关卡,主题涵盖各式星际大战的标志性场所,如:Tatooine(塔图因)和 Pig Star(胖猪死星)。你能躲避胖猪军队,激光炮塔, Tusken Raider(塔斯肯袭击者)和黑暗力量并一网狂澜获得三颗星星吗?

新的游戏力学 – 使用光影弹弓,爆破和绝地武士力量全力瓦解肆虐的胖猪军队!

升级你的小鸟 – 持续游戏以提高小鸟的技能!

版本 1.4.1 中的新功能


 A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… a group of desperate rebel birds faced off against a galactic menace: the Empire’s evil Pigtroopers!


Rebel birds, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Imperial Pigs. During the battle, Rebel spies managed to steal secret plans to the Empire’s ultimate weapon, the PIG STAR, and are racing to deliver the plans to the Rebel Birds. Now they need your help!

Join an epic adventure with the Angry Birds in the legendary Star Wars™ universe! Use the Force, wield your lightsaber, and blast away Pigtroopers on an intergalactic journey from the deserts of Tatooine to the depths of the Pig Star — where you’ll face off against the terrifying Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Pigs! Can you become a Jedi Master and restore freedom to the galaxy?

Time to grab your lightsaber and join the adventure! May the birds be with you!

HOURS AND HOURS OF ENGAGING GAMEPLAY – Explore more than 100 levels in iconic locations like Tatooine and the Pig Star. Can you dodge Imperial pigs, laser turrets, Tusken Raider pigs, and the dark side of the Force to get all three stars? 

NEW GAMEPLAY MECHANICS – Use lightsabers, Blasters and Jedi powers to wreak havoc on the Imperial Pigs!

LEVEL UP YOUR BIRDS – Keep playing and level up your birds to improve their skills!

SECRETS AND HIDDEN GOODIES – Can you unlock all the R2-D2 and C-3PO bonus levels?

FREE UPDATES – This is only the beginning of the epic saga!

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