
Altair HyperShape/CATIA 5.0(5.1)

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Altair HyperShape/CATIA 5.0(5.1)

Altair HyperShape/CATIA将Dassault系统公司的CATIA V5设计环境与Altair的OptiStruct设计优化工具集成在一起,形成了一个全新的产品。

HyperShape/CATIA可以从给定的设计空间中,在给定的载荷和约束条件下,按照给定的产品性能要求生成结构上最优的设计概念。在CAD设计之前,HyperShape/CATIA帮助使用CATIA V5的设计者开发轻量化的高性能设计方案。有了这样的技术,企业将可以以比传统的设计流程更快的速度实现产品设计和业务上的目标。



 在当前竞争激烈的全球市场中,降低产品研发的时间和成本对制造商来说变得越来越紧迫。为了在CATIA的设计环境下满足这一需求,Altair公司近期推出了HyperShape/CATIA产品。通过集成Altair OptiStruct全球领先的结构优化技术,HyperShape/CATIA允许设计者在产品设计的初期就能在CATIA V5的环境下直接进行产品概念设计。这一技术不仅给使用CATIA的设计人员提供了一款强大的设计工具,同时还减少了不同格式的模型文件之间导入导出所浪费的时间。因此,HyperShape/CATIA的用户现在可以使用一种更高效、更经济的设计理念来设计产品。


 拓扑优化能在给定的设计空间内寻求最佳的材料分布。

 形貌优化能自动给出最优的加强筋分布模式来满足钣金件产品的性能要求。

 尺寸优化能够确定钣金件的最优厚度。

 自由形状优化能够自动确定设计区域的最佳结构形状来改善应力状况和消除失效形式。





 Altair HyperShape/CATIA 5.0(5.1) | 288.1 mb

HyperShape/CATIA is a direct integration between Dassault Systemes CATIA V5 solution and the award-winning design optimization technology, Altair OptiStruct.

Altair HyperShape/CATIA 5.0(5.1)Altair HyperShape/CATIA 5.0(5.1)

HyperShape/CATIA generates structurally optimal design concepts from supplied packaging information, loads, constraints and required product performance. Typically used before CAD design, HyperShape/CATIA helps designers develop lightweight, high-performance design proposals. With this technology, companies can achieve product and business objectives considerably faster than ever before.

More info: HW_HyperShapeCATIA_Web.pdf

Altair HyperShape/CATIA 5.0(5.1)Altair HyperShape/CATIA 5.0(5.1)

About Altair

Altair empowers client innovation and decision-making through technology that optimizes the analysis, management and visualization of business and engineering information. Privately held, with 1,800 employees, Altair has offices throughout North America, South America, Europe and Asia/Pacific. With a 28-year track record for high-end software for engineering and computing, enterprise analytics solutions, and innovative product design and development, Altair consistently delivers a competitive advantage to customers in a broad range of industries.

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Name: Altair HyperShape/CATIA
Version: 5.0-5.1
Home: www.altairhyperworks.com
Interface: multilanguage
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven
System Requirements: Preinstall DS CATIA V5R18-R21
Size: 288.1 mb

Bonus: CATIA V5 Automotive Extensions Vehicle Architecture (CAVA) 1.23.1

Special Thanks Team-SolidSQUAD

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