
SQUARE ENIX Final Fantasy IV After Years v1.0.3 Android-DVTPDA

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《最终幻想4:月之归还(FINAL FANTASY IV: AFTER YEARS)》是《最终幻想4》的续作,08年日本在手机上配信的FF4后传。后来移植到 Wii 上作为 Wiiware 游戏,主要讲述了塞西尔和罗莎的儿子 セオドア 的冒险故事。原作故事结束后已恢复和平并逐步复兴的世界,又出现了新的异变,大量的魔物开始蠢动,平静的水晶也发出了光芒,天空中居然出现了 2 个月亮。

 DeBTPDA has released the new game “Final Fantasy IV” for android. The 3D graphics are really nice, and the voice acting makes the game feel more modern.

Description: Seventeen years have passed since the war’s end, and the son born to King Cecil and Queen Rosa of Baron has grown into a young man. Prince Ceodore has enlisted in the airship fleet known as the Red Wings, eager to meet the expectations demanded of his blood and station. Yet once more another moon has appeared in the sky, and with it vast hordes of monsters intent on destruction. The brief peace enjoyed by the Blue Planet now stands threatened under the shadow of impending catastrophe.


  • Begin your journey with “Ceodore’s Tale.” Complete it to unlock the tales of six additional characters, which can be played in any order, and then return to the core story with “Kain’s Tale,” “The Lunarian’s Tale,” and “The Crystals.” A total of ten tales in all, and all contained in FINAL FANTASY IV: THE AFTER YEARS.
  • Take control of exhilarating combat made possible by the non-stop action in Square Enix’s iconic battle system.
  • Feel the moon’s presence in combat, as its waxing and waning influences the potency of attacks and abilities of all combatants. Lunar phases cycle naturally with the passage of in-game time, or when resting at an inn, tent, or cottage.
  • Combine the strength of your party members to awesome effect with Band abilities that can be unlocked through in-game events or by leveling your characters’ Affinity.
  • Keep an eye on your current location and nearby surroundings, or tap for quick access to the world map.
  • Step up to meet all-new challenges offered by dozens of achievements.

Release Name: SQUARE.ENIX.Final.Fantasy.IV.After.Years.v1.0.3.Android-DVTPDA
Size: 419.23 MB
Links: Google Play 

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