Romax Designer工具,主要应用于齿轮传动系统虚拟样机的设计和分析,在传动系统设计领域享有盛誉,目前已成为汽车、风电及轴承应用领域行业标准软件。Romax Designer采用系统建模与分析的思想计算传动系统变形及各部件上的载荷情况,进而能够进行齿轮强度,轴承寿命,轴疲劳,齿轮修形,齿轮接触应力,同步器尺寸计算,箱体柔性与强度,齿轮参数优化,系统振动噪声(NVH)预估等方面的设计分析内容。
? 汽车/船舶变速箱本体开发
? 平行轴建模器(手动箱等)

? 齿轮设计、强度校核、LTCA分析
? 采用AGMA、ISO、DIN标准对直齿/斜齿轮的强度校核
? 针对不同的优化目标(如重合度最大等),对直/斜齿轮副结构参数进行快速优化
? 针对重合度较大的细高齿,Romax支持有限元网格划分,计算得到齿面接触应力和齿根弯曲应力

? 考虑制造和安装误差以及系统变形的影响,计算行星齿轮传动误差,并支持行星齿轮均载分析

? 滚动轴承接触和疲劳分析
? 支持ISO281 2007等多种轴承寿命预计标准,考虑轴承错位、高速离心力效应、润滑剂污染物等因素对轴承寿命的影响
? 对滚子轴承进行详细分析,得到滚动体赫兹接触应力、滚道变形等计算值
? 支持轴承预紧值的参数研究,以优化得到最优的预紧值
? 箱体、行星架等结构件变形对齿轮轴承错位影响分析
? 结构件的静态变形与应力计算及模态振型分析
? 同步器性能计算:包括拨环力矩、摩擦力矩计算,换档时间和换档力、同步环圆周应力、接近间隙等
? 花键分析:包括标准及非标花键的建模和强度校核,花键修形和接触分析
? 轴的疲劳强度计算:包括采用ANSI、GM、DIN标准等方法分别进行轴的无限和有限疲劳寿命计算
? 齿轮箱啸叫分析
? 系统模态振型计算和3D显示
? 系统动态响应计算(含瀑布图)
? 箱体表面振动计算和分析
? 齿轮箱拍击噪声分析
? 研究高速齿轮箱、涡轮机械和压缩机等的高速转子动力学性能
? 计算阻尼自然频率和变轴承刚度下的临界速度图,分析不平衡响应,研究离心效果对轴承寿命的影响
? 通过计算磁场拉力,研究电动机转轴动力学问题

? 针对每一速比、转速和扭矩的功率路径分析
? 齿轮尺寸分析,有助于齿轮箱总布置尺寸的确定
? 计算得到轴承承载,有助于初期轴承选型
? 计算齿轮啮合频率,对可能的NVH问题进行早期预测
? 有RomaxDesigner和CAD接口,支持模型数据导出
RomaxDESIGNER is the ultimate solution for any gearbox, transmission and driveline design uses from planning to manufacturing. RomaxDESIGNER is the product of choice for ground vehicle transmissions – from motorcycles to off-highway equipment – and is licensed by 14 of the world’s top 15 automakers.
It is also used widely in the design of stationary products and industrial equipment including the world’s largest wind turbine systems and is acknowledged as the industry standard for this rapidly expanding global market sector.
The core of a seamlessly integrated tool chain:
– Imports and exports geometry from all major CAD applications
– Imports gear details from packaged and in-house gear design applications
– Intelligently creates and exports optimized models for MBD Analysis
– Seamless integration with the highly innovative concept design product, CONCEPT
– Easy to interface with in-house systems and component libraries for gear and bearing design and for material selection
– Proven capability to substantially reduce product development cycle time while improving the quality and optimization of the finished design
Romax is the world’s leading provider of advanced simulation technologies, design expertise and consulting services for gearbox and driveline systems – wherever mechanical power is transmitted through rotating shafts, gears and bearing systems, we provide customers with innovative technology and solutions to optimize their products for performance, robustness, durability, and through-life costs.
Innovation is at the very core of Romax and has been the foundation of our success and of the benefits that we deliver to customers. With a heritage of over twenty years, we provide class-leading advanced simulation software and consulting services on a world-wide basis from our network of offices throughout Europe, North America and Asia.
Name: Romax Designer
Version: (32bit) 14.5 Build 38
Home: www.romaxtech.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Seven
Size: 527.5 mb
Special Thanks TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ
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