
FastRawViewer 1.5.6

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FastRawViewer (x86/x64)

FastRawViewer 是一款功能全面,数据表格化,操作简单的免费快速图片查看器。FastRawViewer使您能够快速通过RAW文件的文件夹浏览,而不必等待图像渲染,因为它是在支持RAW格式的相机很多其他图像查看器常见。除了闪电般快速的浏览,程序提供了多种附加功能,使其更易于管理大量的文件。


File size: 54 MB
FastRawViewer is a must have; it’s all you need for extremely fast and reliable culling, direct presentation, as well as for speeding up of the conversion stage of any amounts of any RAW images of every format. FastRawViewer is the only WYSIWYG RAW viewer that allows to see RAW exactly as a converter will “see” it, and provides RAW-based tools to estimate what a converter will be able to squeeze from the shot.

FastRawViewer’s RAW-based tools (unique ones such as RAW histogram, RAW statistics, Shadow Boost, Highlight Inspection, Focus Peaking, per-channel view, as well as familiar ones like Exposure Compensation, White Balance, Contrast Curves) allow one to estimate what a converter will be able to squeeze from the RAW image data and make preliminary adjustments to the RAW file, which will be acknowledged in Adobe converters.

FastRawViewer provides tools for the rating, labeling and sorting photos, and filtering of any number of RAW images.

FastRawViewer supports a variety of RAW, JPEG, TIFF, and PNG formats.

FastRawViewer is very user-friendly and seamlessly integrates into any existing RAW workflow. It is extremely flexible; nearly all of its settings can be tuned and keyboard/mouse shortcuts can be changed according to individual habits and preferences.

FastRawViewer 1.5.4 Release Notes
Camera support
Canon EOS M6 Mark II, EOS 90D
Fujifilm X-A7, X-Pro3
GoPro HERO5, HERO6, HERO7, Fusion
Olympus E-M5 Mark III
Sigma fp
Sony ILCE-6100, ILCE-6600
Better support for Nikon Coolscan NEF files
Preliminary support
Canon EOS M200
Changes/new features
File Handling – File formats – Default image to display: Same as previous: behaviour changed:
current image type is saved on program close/recalled on new launch
current image type will not be reset on folder change or Grid/Single image view change.
Menu – Select – Save Selection to file: file list is always recorded in current sort order.
New hidden configuration parameter DNGPreferLargestImage, bit field
bit 0: if set, FRV will select largest DNG subimage (default: select 1st subimage)
bit 1: if set, FRV will extract Enhanced DNG image if present in DNG file
Hidden configuration script DNGShowEnhancedImage.reg/.sh will set both bits to 1 to prefer Enhanced image view. DNGShowStandardImage.reg/.sh script will revert the change back.
Hidden configuration parameter UseMMapedIO is now a bit field:
bits 0-7: thumbnail reader parameters
bits 8-15: full-size image reader parameters.
lowest bit in each 8-bit set defines RAW reading, other bits are reserved for future (JPEG, PNG,TIFF, etc). Default value: 0 (do not use).
DXO Photolab3 added to the list of known applications.
Adobe Photoshop 2020 added to the list of known applications.
Costmetics: Use XMP for RAW files setting renamed to Use XMP.
Costmetics: Clear _Rejected folder: menu item get renamed on rejected subfolder name change.
Bugs fixed
Extended lens data was not displayed correctly for Pentax cameras
Menu – View – Show Histogram/Exposure stats state was not restored on program restart even if Preferences – Interface – Restore last View settings was checked.
Rating stars were not visible if display below thumbnail was seleted simultaniously with Selective/Active item contrast setting being set to highest value.
XMP tag tiff:Rotation was used for Grid/Filmstrip even if XMP use was disabled.
Quick Zoom and Drag/Pan did not work correctly after RAW-JPEG switch in fit-to-window zoom mode.

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